MoBillys Forevermore Green Room Thread (Part 1)

Good morning everyone! Hope yall are having a great day so far!


Taking another break and all body parts seem to be holding up so yeah it’s been a very good day @HighTilliDie .
Hope you can say the same.


Ice water, flower, and agitation knocks trichome heads off. Preferably fresh frozen whole flower so the material won’t disintegrate and contaminate the hash degrading the quality.

People typically do the agitation in a work bag in a bucket, or use a machine.

They then pour this mixture through different micron screens, known as bubble bags.

This may require repeated pours, also known as “pulls”

The micron screens separate the quality and size of material. You choose what screens to use based on advice and experience. 172 or 190 and above can be used for edibles for example. Below 25 or 45 is too small. Between those, is the good hash.

You filter all the water out then use a 25 micron screen and towel or something absorbent to remove as much water as possible.

You then freeze the hash to microplane, or put it through a sieve. This is to break it up for drying. You either dry in a freeze dryer, freezer, or air dry in something like a pizza box to prevent contam.

That’s a basic overview


People typically stop pulling / agitating the material when they see diminishing returns on the pours.

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We stopped when we started getting green plant material in the second to last bubble bag.


There ya go! Valuable input.


My dumb ass sat here for ten seconds wondering “how did they know they were already at the second to last bag?” before realizing that the first sign of green plant matter means that we’re all done after this bag or the next (depending how they look)

I read this just minutes after taking my first few puffs of the day, so in my head the situation was backwards like “Ok, we’re about to begin the second to last bubble bag. So this is probably when the plant material will show up.” :laughing:

Carry On, y’all :rofl: pay no attention to me in the corner with my glazed red eyes


@emeraldbullfrog you’re gonna have a series of bags

So he’s saying when green material starts to show up in the 45 or 72 micron screen, I forget the sizes, you stop


Likely means 45 micron

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Yep yep, thanks leet :+1:

I had myself one of those “greenier moments” and my comprehension of the written word temporarily became more creative than my English teachers would have liked in school :joy: :nerd_face:


Very well put… I think it must be time for another bong hit.


I haven’t shown the ones in the flower room for a while so here’s a look see.

SDxSQ #1 (@Oldjoints )

SDxSQ #2 (OldJoints)

Chocolate Rain (OldJoints)

A Blue Dream bud @NDNCHILD
(always hungry but the buds are bulking up nicely)

And the small Canna Cheese was chopped this morning. She flowered for over eight weeks and I’d say that the trichomes are about 20% into amber. A while back I said that I may get a couple of joints out of her but I think she did a little better than that. lol

I think my CR that is still in veg is looking sweet!

And the little Cap Junky clone is doing very nice in my opinion. (NDNCHILD)

And there you have it. That’s what’s going on in the Greenroom.
I’ll be making another attempt at some clones when I get back from OK. I’ve been practicing and think I can get r done this time.
Thanks for checking out the grow my friends!


You have it going on, brother. Looks great to me. Congrats. I am really liking that Chocolate Rain plant. She’s a beaut!


Thanks @BigMike55 . :slight_smile:
It feels good to get back to seeing something that makes me smile again. lol


Wait till you see my ugly mug, again. Yup! I got worse!


Say it ain’t so!!!


Damn! Can I change my mind about a kiss from BM?!


lol I’d say you better be on top of your game, brother! When you get back from the gathering, you’re gonna be ‘clone heavy’, lol… just saying!


You got that right brother. I’ll have my hands full.


Good night everyone. I think we’re gonna put on a movie.
Have a great evening.