MoBillys Forevermore Green Room Thread (Part 1)

That’s great to hear. Any animal in distress just wrecks me. Like little kids before they can tell you where it hurts. Language barriers.
Watching you with Big John tells me much. I mean who the fuck massages a baby goat. Then tells a bunch of codgers about it. I absolutely love that.
Before Leo had his arm lopped off due to cancer, he was hurting. He wanted me to “fix” it. I’d carry him around, put him in the spots he liked in the garden. Before, then after surgery I had to keep him pretty doped up. Neither of us dug it but got thru it. I had a bunk at the foot of my bed for him. Food, water, box. Right there for him. He mostly wanted to be close…He still wants to be close. Since his arm went away, his pain went away. He’s so friggin’ happy and it’s so obvious. He’s pretty cool. Somehow his name has morphed after surgery. He’s Winkie now to my wife. I go with the flow. Winkie fits too…


Hey, can I borrow that bottle? I’ll give it right back. Really I will!


I would be very leery of hanging around with someone who didn’t care about animals. And I watch my critters when someone new comes around. They are a great asset when it comes to figuring out just who’s standing in front of you.
A character barometer of sorts.


Sure thing! Now where did I put that—

OH NO, I must have been sleepwalking! It wasn’t a genie’s bottle, it was my bong all along!


Good morning everyone! Hope yall are having a great day so far!


Good morning @HighTilliDie ! I’m having an easy day. It’s been raining all morning off and on so it’s just cleaning up and doing some things in the greenroom that have been slightly neglected.
Hope all is well in your neck of the woods.


Love glass bongs but I have trouble holding on to things at times.


Gotta get yourself Marv’s gloves from Home Alone 2 :wink:


Edit: I’d probably lose some grip strength if I was always wranglin’ billygoat kids like you are. They seem to keep you plenty busy!

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We had a Shepherd/Malamute mix that was the best at telling me who to avoid. Cool dog. Took him to work for years. Actually, he went everywhere with me. I took him to the hospital when my oldest was born. He sat by the door for a couple days. I also brought a cooler with a 12pack. I was confused then about some things.


Did an oil change on my car and went to use my card at the part store later it said declined and im like whatever I got cash then go to my bank and some guy in Florida tried charging my card $0.50 from original impressions and my bank shut my card down due to suspected fraud and I had to order a new one. Other than that I just got done watering downstairs and my goal for the day is just to finish pressing out these 14 (14 gram) bags for dabs


You sent me down a rabbit hole bro! lol
Your genie.

MY genie!


Ohhh sheesh, with the looks of mine it’s no wonder I have difficulty sleeping…

And the looks of yours might explain why you’re up so many times a night! :wink: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Grinding up some fat ODD nugs in my girls needs grinder. She loves how bright pink it is and these teeth are razor sharp


Careful man! You’ll ruin everything! My wife reads all this stuff!
Dang. Too late. She just saw it. Crap. Now I have to buy a new bong!


It took me a second but I found the picture of my bitch Duchess. She was a Shepherd/Malamute that I got while I was dating my wife back in '81. One of the best I have ever been privileged to be friends with.


Me and my big mouth… shoulda kept that one to myself. Sorry Mo, and I’m even sorrier to Eva!

:speak_no_evil: :see_no_evil: :hear_no_evil:


But how’s the weed?

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Cassidy. My wife had him when we got together. I had a really nice 69 Mustang. Bitchen car. When he’d molt and blow his coat, my back seat was a 1/2" thick with hair!


Nothing sheds like a husky @crownpoodle . LOL


I was pretty amazed at Willie the Beagle’s coat. Smallish dog, 34#s. Short hair. No problem with hair right? I was blown away what a mess it was when he blew that undercoat. You’d have never guessed looking at him.

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