MoBillys Forevermore Green Room Thread (Part 1)

Good morning @MoBilly and crew

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Good morning everyone! Another rainy morning in the Ozarks. I’m getting tired of all this. lol
The powers that be parted with one like this morning and now I’m back in the corner.


What crazy weather we are having this year! I don’t think they are doing a good job of “maintaining” the weather.

It’s so funny how many people think that chem trails in the sky are normal and nothing the big wigs are doing even after they came right out and said it publicly. lol
“Yeah, we’ve been doing this since back in Vietnam. Back then we created a monsoon out of season.”
Now, I’m not getting my aluminum foil hat out right at this moment but when they release papers outlining the process and say that it’s old technology already… Just saying.


Morning @MoBilly . I noticed some weather your way. Just another grey May day in Morro Bay. Nothing new.

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Good morning @crownpoodle . I believe there must be something to that talk about the sun being essential to good mental health in some folks. I believe I’m one of those in fact. When we go through weeks of overcast skies, it gets hard to keep my mind in a good place.

The Oklahoma gathering lifted my spirits considerably though. Now it’s back to overcast drizzly gloomy BS day. lol


As long as I get an occasional sunshine fix, I’m good. The missus needs more sun. More sleep too. We’re hitting the time of year where it heats up just inland. I can see blue skies, but it’s dripping :sweat_drops::sweat_drops: off my trees out back. I’m
In a few weeks it will be over 100 for weeks on end at my daughter’s place 40 minutes away. While I barely hit 60. I know my plants get UV in the overcast, you can get a hell of a sunburn on a grey day.

It didn’t used to be a thing with me. Overcast days were the BOMB when I was landscaping.
I think it’s because my joints hurt when the weather gets like this. Today my hands feel like someone pounded on them with a hammer. It’s hard to keep a smile on my face when my joints hurt bad. Smoke helps but…


When my joints hurt is when the fronts come thru quickly. Something about the change in barometric pressure.

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Good morning @MoBilly, @JohnnyPotseed, @BigMike55, @m0sirys, @crownpoodle, @leetdood, @HighTilliDie, @TopShelfTrees1, @Emeraldgreen, and the rest of the green room gang. Getting ready to take an early morning nap, as I had a lousy night of sleep. I did see that they finally got that cargo ship :passenger_ship: off the pylon and the channel cleared this morning in Baltimore! :blush::+1::clap::tada::ship::ok_hand::facepunch::wink::sunglasses::peace_symbol:

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I’ve taken to using Theraworx. It definitely helps with the hands.


Good morning everyone! Hope yall are having a great day so far!


Good morning brother @HighTilliDie ! It’s been a good morning and I’m being intentionally lazy today. lol


I have to ship a package and then my plans are the same lol

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Eva saw me wince when I picked up my coffee this morning and she knows if my hands are hurting the rest of me is as well. As she was leaving to pick up my sister-in-law from dialysis (three times a week she does that) she said “Take it easy while I’m gone”.
Well, since she said so, I guess will. :laughing:


I hear “I watched you out the window from upstairs. No surprise you hurt.” I try and break stuff down into several small projects, not one big one.


Intentional and lazy in the same sentence sounds like a plan.


Boy that sure rings a bell. Lol
I was outside last week taking the blades off the old rider, had it leaned on it’s side with one hand /side trying to put the blade on with the other and realized my 54 yr old butt is getting way to beat up to be doing stuff like that anymore!
Stubborn redneck here need to work smarter these days. :sweat_smile:


You got that right.
“Why walk all the way to the barn to get the tractor! I can lift that beam into place. Noooo problems”.


I gave a 32’ extension ladder to the last guy to paint the house. If I didn’t hurt myself moving it, I’d fall off from way up.

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The neuropathy in my feet make ladders something I avoid at almost any cost. That would just be inviting a bad situation to happen.

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