MoBillys Forevermore Green Room Thread (Part 1)

I’ve got that in my feet too. Pretty sure you mentioned Tinnitus too.
At least my back pain eased up.

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Yep I hear that crap 24/7. If cicadas were metallic and made sounds 2 octaves higher, it would sound close to what I hear. lol
It would drive a sane man crazy. I don’t think it’s affected me yet… nope not yet. Me either.


good morning @MoBilly and friends ! :coffee: :coffee: :coffee:


My grandpa, if I remember right, this was either this winter or the last one, hurt his knee

Then he’s out snowblowing and fell. Then he’s acting like like he doesn’t want help and doesn’t want to go inside. I had to help him up and let him get back to it. I went in and told my grandma about it.

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I was smoking weed out front so I saw it happen. Nobody can really stop him from doing whatever he wants, except my grandma sometimes

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It’s like homie you ate shit and you’re lying on your back and can’t get up. No shit I wanna try and help

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Good morning @MoBilly, @JohnnyPotseed, @BigMike55, @leetdood, @m0sirys, @crownpoodle, @TopShelfTrees1, and the rest of you greenie’s! :sun_with_face:! :slightly_smiling_face::ok_hand::blush::+1::facepunch::wink::sunglasses::peace_symbol:

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Good morning brother Mo, & all OG!


Good morning @m0sirys @JohnnyPotseed @MoBilly @HighTilliDie @Emeraldgreen and everyone!

Edit: oh shit you too @OhNo555


Good morning my friends @m0sirys @leetdood @OhNo555 & @JohnnyPotseed .

We have SUN this morning!!! I missed that!


Lol over here it’s raining but I’m not complaining, last 3 days were effing brutal

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I think this is the first morning I walked out to feed and saw the sun in over a week. Might be an exaggeration but it don’t feel like it. lol


Good morning everyone! Hope yall are having a great day so far! I might possibly be getting some lab research beans in 3-4 months from the GMO cannabis study. Been in contact with the place that made the very first official GMO cannabis seed and they offer gene transformation and editing but I was like yooo umm idk what I’d do with them but you got any seeds for sale? Lol. I would totally start a new thread and distribute them to OG for shits and grins as a few have taken interest already. I imagine the pricing will be the same as the other seeds they sell so it’s $100 for 250 seed and $50 shipping

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That would be interesting to observe, keep us updated

Out of likes for 12h btw

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What was the M in that GMO? If it’s resistance to any crawling or flying insect… I might consider it. lol

Those three letters in that order scare the crap out of a lot of folks. Me included. :slight_smile:


It doesn’t scare me, corporations scare me

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The use of GMO cannabis could definitely be in our benefit if allowed but like @leetdood mentioned the big corporations want to use it for patents so you can’t grow their weed or sell it because they can do a DNA test in the bud and if it has their patents your screwed

I think that was @Emeraldgreen actually.

Personally I would just find a way to beat the system if i had to. That’s what outlaws been doing for years

Well I think it’s to keep other companies from making money off any crosses made with their plants

Good morning everyone.

The Monsanto model was pretty specific. They have a certain size farm they went after. They won 99 percent of the time!!

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