MoBillys Forevermore Green Room Thread (Part 1)

Morning @MoBilly . No sun in my hood this morning. Shopping in the sunshine later with the missus.


Soak it in brother! Soak it in!


They sold it as sterile. Said the cross contamination would not happen. They waited a year or 2 until your original seed would be gone, all that was left to test had there marker. Unlicensed illegal use of their seed


Monsanto Canada Inc v Schmeiser [2004] 1 S.C.R. 902, 2004 SCC 34 is a leading Supreme Court of Canada case on patent rights for biotechnology, between a Canadian canolafarmer, Percy Schmeiser, and the agricultural biotechnology company Monsanto. The court heard the question of whether Schmeiser’s intentionally growing genetically modified plants constituted “use” of Monsanto’s patented genetically modified plant cells. By a 5-4 majority, the court ruled that it did. The Supreme Court also ruled 9-0 that Schmeiser did not have to pay Monsanto their technology use fee, damages or costs, as Schmeiser did not receive any benefit from the technology.[2]The case drew worldwide attention and is widely misunderstood to concern what happens when farmers’ fields are accidentally contaminated with patented seed. However, by the time the case went to trial, all claims of accidental contamination had been dropped; the court only considered the GM canola in Schmeiser’s fields, which Schmeiser had intentionally concentrated and planted. Schmeiser did not put forward any defence of accidental contamination.[3]


This the case that took 10 years to be decided?

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Not sure if it was 10 years but was lengthy yes.

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It took a long time. That’s probably why I didn’t follow it to it’s conclusion.

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In hemp production currently you have to sign agreements of use for certain clones. They strictly forbid any breeding or propagation of any kind.
If it’s in hemp it’s coming to weed

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Though the court system ruled in Monsanto’s favor if they had applied penalties to neighboring farmers it would literally put competing farmers for miles around any Monsanto crop out of business. This would have destroyed the industry and allowed Monsanto a monopoly.
Applying this to Cannabis would be futile as there are way to many cannabis growers that can produce their own seed and product that they would have a hard time enforcing.
Now that reversals are common amongst growers and labs can make determinations of the makeup of the plant for the home grower the cat is out of the bag so to speak……


Yep hopefully it wouldn’t be worth big biz to fight all the growers out there. Can’t imagine any sort of proprietary seed wars at this point. But whadoiknow

I know reaper told me that people widely misunderstood what that guy did. Not sure if i mentioned it here, but yeah. Guy wasn’t doing stuff by accident.

Not a fan of Monsanto regardless.

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You’ve never seen the genetically modified cannabis plant that is perennial? Crazy shit just regrows next year.

Nice try, bc bud depot

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Now that’s funny stuff right there! lol


Hey, @MoBilly
I meant to thank you, very much for helping me get Zee to the car at the Tulsa deal She was actually in a bad way with her breathing. Thanks again, bro.


Aw man, that hurt me to read brother! Just glad Mo was around to help!, I hope Zee is feeling better today?!


More than happy that I was able to help.


Really, I feel like a shitheel for even bringing her along. She has had a rough time with her heart/lung condition lately and she was down for a few days. She said she felt good enough for the party. I think it was too much on her, really. This is why she didn’t help clean up, @Oldjoints she just was done, but didn’t want to spoil our (my) fun.
Anyways. You’re a true brother, man. I appreciate you.


Sounds like you have good friends @BigMike55 .