MoBillys Forevermore Green Room Thread (Part 1)

One of the greatest professional sports figure ever was Pelé.

He got me watching the sport.

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From what I recall, Pele always seemed like a cool guy

Down to earth

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True. How someone lives their life is between them and whatever god they answer to. It can be a hard thing to not cast a certain “judgement” on those we just don’t understand. That tendency of human nature is being used as just another tool in the ongoing struggle to cause division and hatred to further divide this country.
I am not effeminate in any way shape or form and being raised how I was, there was little interaction with those who are. I believe @BigMike55 has a good, kind soul. I believe, with all I am, he would go out of his way to help a man in a dress if he were hurt on the street. But old habits established by his family’s raising and the world he was raised in in general are hard to look past.
Understanding on both sides are necessary if the country is to ever stand united.
If you are a patriot, I’ll stand beside you to defend this country even if you wear a tutu and combat boots. It’s as simple as that.


Meant no disrespect. I deleted my post. I’m out.

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I think getting along with others is important.

But also I feel like Jesus upturned the tables is a good example to follow. Not all conflict can be avoided. Sometimes people need standing up for. I don’t believe in religion but there’s examples and values I agree like that.

For me it’s important to say I know these individuals and I don’t think it’s nice to insult them. It’s hurtful.

As I stated, I put the quotes around the word man. It is a hard thing to not do.

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There’s no need to leave @BigMike55

We are all cool folks who are adults and can respect each other.

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Not at all. The friendship we all share can take differences in opinion. If not, we are in a world of hurt.


My parents were pretty different in personality to each extreme, so it took me a long while to learn that you can be assertive without being angry or lashing out, and that being assertive wasn’t a bad thing. Also that taking disagreement so personally like my dad did, wasn’t productive. So I agree

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Some disagreements are extremely important and personal, but those are pretty rare, and that’s not gonna be an internet discussion most likely. It’s like learning how a hammer works and then thinking you can use it on every problem, that’s just not right.

A good example of that sort of behaviour would be House MD if anybody has seen that.

If it don’t work get a BFH. lol

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The truth is harsh and disturbing. mmm I love how offensive the truth really is. See, my niece will never meet my “other” family members due to preconceived notions about people’s sexuality. The real strange part is how religious people are obsessed with sexuality. Creepy. It’s something I never waste a single second of my life contemplating.


Unfortunately agreed.

I find that the people who are quick to call others snowflakes can dish it but can’t take it. Turn it around and they’ll get upset real quick.

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I had this guy in my old friend circle who would argue with liberals online. All I had to do was call him a thin skinned snowflake and then make fun of how his feelings were hurt for him to have a meltdown. I don’t think he ever really processed the irony.

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Internet tough guys! mmmm I love 'em. So… tasty like… yummy little snacks. hah hah to survive on the internet, you truly have to have the void inside. Never stare, into the void. A hole so black, it sucks everything in, including your sanity. Keep it real leetdood! I appreciate your touch with humanity. Keep the judgements in check. I always loved mobilly’s love thy neighbor shit, he really sticks to it. takes a rosin dab

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Yeah most people don’t realize I’ve been on the internet for about 23 years, almost everyday. Lot of keyboard warriors out there to break your teeth on.

At some point you turn into Nicky from Casino. Straight to the jugular, split your head, etc

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lol! No, more of an “art of war” approach. The same method I use to eradicate parasites on my weed plants! Know thy enemy a thousand battles a thousand victories.

Knowledge of tactics is effective for sure

Regular life brings enough crap along with it. Why would anyone want to look for opportunities to add more negativity to their own lives or anyone elses?
However, if asked in a proper setting, I do not hesitate to voice my opinions about right/wrong, or if something is conducive to a good life or something I know brings with it an existence instead of life in a whole sense.
If, then, I offend someone it is on them. A wise man keeps a bridle on his tongue. A man worth knowing will voice exactly how he feels whether I agree with him or not.
Love thy neighbor… yes… I try to live by that. But “loving your neighbor” does not mean “Agree with everything he says or does”. It means let him live his own life in a way that he doesn’t hate the man in the mirror. And I’ll do the same. I believe God deals with the soul of a person. Let Him do that job. I’m just here to try and be an example and answer questions when asked.
Life is easier, that way, for all concerned.