MoBillys Forevermore Green Room Thread (Part 1)

Hello @Hemp ! It’s nice to see you on again!


Sorry I offended anyone, Mo. Was not the intent. I even deleted both posts. I was not really taking A shot at any group. I was taking A shot at Dylan. Because I think its funny. That’s all. If you guys wanna just keep it going that’s fine. But already said sorry and removed my post. Don’t know what else I can do.


I feel like there is a disconnect between age groups sometimes and even though the rules of conversation Have changed, respect for your elders is still proper. If someone says a comment from previous times, I would simply defer due to respect for my elders. Not everyone has to learn a new way because of my feelings.


Some folks like to whip a dead horse @BigMike55 . Yours is not the only dead horse around.


You are fine brother. I knew you meant it in jest. I understand how easy it is to become offended in today’s atmosphere as well. I could very easily have taken offense to @OldCrow using the term “love your neighbor shit”. But I know the term was used in an unoffensive manner. Some would have gotten bent and accused him of calling a tenant of our Lord… shit. Again, I didn’t take it that way (and please don’t think that I did) but I use it as an example how easily it is to use a phrase without meaning offense but offense is taken. I’ll also say that tolerance must be a two way street or it is oppression and not tolerance. No matter the intent.
Has the near death of comedy taught us nothing if not that freedom of speech is a precious thing. Comedians became afraid to approach an edgy subject because they would no longer be booked at most venues. Comedy tests us, as a people, to evaluate our views on what is considered taboo. That goes for both us conservatives and liberals. When a comedian goes too far he hits the wall of social acceptance. Then he must move on to another fan base or back off the edge so to speak. It is a social tolerance barometer of sorts.

Anything else on the matter would best be handled through PM. I am open to that any time. :v:t5:


hah hah yah I was so ripped I didn’t mean to couch it in biblical terms. I really meant empathy!


And that is how I took it.


Things I respect elders for: hard work, integrity, knowledge, not understanding technology and possibly needing help

Things I don’t respect elders for: continuing to mock or demean others even after being told that this behaviour is no longer acceptable in modern society.

This isn’t directed at anybody or meant to prolong a discussion. It’s just how I feel.

Nobody’s too old to learn to be a decent and kind person

Modern society belongs to you , but it belongs to them more. You will never be able to tell them what to do leeet. You have no right. You must accept them or get out of thier threads


Not sure if you know how having an opinion works. Everybody’s entitled to one, even you.

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I respect how he handled it @MoBilly . We all offend someone now and then. Least I know I do. Got a lot of respect for folks who own what they say, right or wrong.


I see, so you’re saying it is just directed at older people in general.

Hopefully one day you will be able to be a pert of that elite group. We spend our time having our grandchildren help us with our computers and adjusting our depends diapers.


Good morning everyone! Hope yall are having a great day so far!


Good morning brother Mo, & all OG!


I’m just gonna say Good morning to my friends here and then GTFOH. I see some folks around here just wanna keep the shit going. I apologized. The end. I ain’t apologizing again.
Just remember, he who stirs the shit pot, must lick the spoon.


Good morning @MoBilly, I hope you’re having a great Sunday my friend. :peace_symbol:


Good morning :sun_with_face: @MoBilly, @JohnnyPotseed, @BigMike55, @HighTilliDie, @Oldjoints, @Greenfingers, and the rest of the green room crew. Hope all are having a nice weekend. Don’t forget to get outside and fire :fire: up them grills this weekend. Take a moment to think about all the veterans 🪖 that have given their lives so we can all sleep safe and sound at night to continue to enjoy the liberties we have all grown to love :heart:! :clap::tophat::clap::tophat::clap::tophat::wink::ok_hand::facepunch::+1::peace_symbol::sunglasses:


They’re beating dead horses, so early too @BigMike55 . You’re good by me.