MoBillys Forevermore Green Room Thread (Part 1)

I am with you @MoBilly on that one :point_up:, got carpal tunnel syndrome in both my hand and arthritis and just push through. I use those cock up braces at night and that helps a lot. Too scared :flushed: it would affect my ability to play guitar :guitar:. :ok_hand::wink:

lol me, myself and I all agree with yall! :scream: :wink:

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Mine got so bad that when two of them would lock I would run it under hot water for a minute or two then take my right hand an slam them open. Hurt like the devil! I am able to use my left hand and can play like I used to. As my strength. returned I found I can even bend a set of medium strings again.

Good morning @MoBilly hope all is well on the farm! And you are moving happily and freely today :facepunch:t2:


Don’t get me wrong @Gumbert , if I had to let them cut I would. Not being able to play guitar would be hard on my mental state. I play harmonica as well but guitar is my musical passion so to speak.


Good morning @TopShelfTrees1 . :slight_smile:
It’s going to be a good day to get some work done and I’m fixing to find out if moving freely and happily is in the cards today.
But how are you doing this morning?

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Doing well :pray:t3: thank you. It’s beautiful outside, like spring. But I’ll be in the garden working away once I get motivated :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: here’s hoping it’s a great one for all of us….

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I know thats right. I got where I could only play for 10 minutes and one or two or even three of my fingers would lock tight as Katies hat band and the pain to unlock them so bad I started looking for a solution. Two carpel tunnel surgeries later I found a orthopedic surgeon that said, " Oh yeah, I can fix that" …

He was right. Now I can play as long as I want, Crank it up!
I feel like a 1955 chevy with a new LS crate engine dropped in it…


Makes me think of pain # charts, with the faces @MoBilly . I hate those frigging things. Last time I got asked I flat refused to answer with a number, as my wife says “23”.


I always say 12…… they get pissed! EVERYTIME! “It goes from 1-10 sir, 10 being the worst pain imaginable “

“Yep 12 is about right then, maybe 13 :thinking:


Take a small hammer with you next time… If the conversation goes that way ask them to place their hand on the table and spread their fingers out. well you can illustrate with a little imagination…


Haha ! Ball peen in the pocket! I love it!
“Here this is about a 13 ! WHACK :boom::stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


Y’all crack me up. :slight_smile:
Well I got breakfast down, finished my third cup of coffee, and run completely out of excuses not to be busy.
Naaaa. I got nuthin.
Catch you all later. :slight_smile:


You are an inspiration…. I’m still sitting here procrastinating! Have a great day bro! Don’t work too hard


Good afternoon everyone. Hope your all having a fantastic day


Good morning all, a bit slow as only have 1 cup of gogo in my veins thus far. Sitting, waiting, on an oil change on little white. I can’t lift till I get my chore list completed so burn 1 for me if you could :slight_smile:


Good night @MoBilly and OG, see yall in the morning.


Good night everyone. :slight_smile:


Good morning @MoBilly and OG!

have a great and relaxed sunday! :vulcan_salute: :vulcan_salute: :vulcan_salute:


Looks :eyes: like the coffee :coffee: club is sleeping :sleeping_bed: in today :joy::joy::joy: