MoBillys Forevermore Green Room Thread (Part 1)

I went to Jamaica a few years ago. I was doing the “tourist” thing and visiting all the shops. They had a coffee shop there where you could sample their coffee. I ended up buying some to bring home. JAMAICAN COFFEE, YES! After I got it home and tried it, it tasted like scrap. I left it in the cabinet for over a year. Then I was telling the story to a guy who had “been there, done it”. He said the reason it tasted so good in the shop is that they spike it with a rad of rum. I tried it. It worked very tasty.


Me and my buddy, @Tracker have met up at Black Rifle in OKC.


I love a good cup of coffee and that is one thing I would consider being extravagant over.


I think its a bit pricey. But not as pricey as Starbucks. I was with my grandson. He wanted to stop at Starbucks. Ok. He ordered up his coffee just the way he liked it. $9.50. For coffee. One cup. We went back home. After he left from his visit, I was cleaning up. Half that cup of $9.50 Starbucks was still in the cup. Ridiculous


My brother was bitching because he didn’t have enough money to get some work done on his bike. I knew he stopped at Star $s for a coffee every weekday on his way to work. I asked him how much he figured he spent in a year doing just that. He takes his coffee in a thermos now. I think he may stop there once a week.


Me and Zee went to Texas Roadhouse last week. Zee always gets water with lemon. I got an ice tea, half and half. When I got the bill I nearly fell off my chair. $3.89 for ice tea. That’s water. With a tea bag. What in there is $3.89 worth?? I’m so tired of high prices, it ain’t funny. It costs us twice as much at the store as it used to.


Naaa. The tea still costs $1.00. It’s just that your dollar is worth 25 cents now.


As far as coffee goes I mix two together half and half and everyone that has tried it loves it.


Good morning everyone!! I’m now expecting to see pictures of @BigMike55 dodgeing projectiles as he’s walking up to the front door :joy:


Good morning @Emeraldgreen . :slight_smile:

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LOL Billy! I have no idea on the number, but there is always fresh Columbian Bold in our airpot. Ms Trish makes a pot and then pours it in the airpot thermos so it does no burn. When it gets down to 1/4 pot she makes another one.God I love that woman!

I have been in the greenhouse all day getting ready for the Frankies that @JohnnyPotseed gifted me. I currently have about 300 or so seedling that need to get into the winter garden now and more coming out of the starter packs for spring. I love this time of year.

Hope you and your family are doin good.


How many hillbillies does it take to screw up a Super Bowl Parade???
Hell, I don’t know. They ain’t finished rounding them up yet.

Sheesh! Can’t even have a parade.


After some more of us sober up enough we’ll put together a pickup parade. Well, after the hangover we’ll get around to it. Actually, by then we’ll have to get some work done (don’t want to lose my job). So what… we’re talking 1.5 months. Okay it’s a thing!

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And well you should!

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Here’s a look at the girls.
I’m liking the way the AR is looking.

But not as much as I’m digging this VB!
The White Rhino have already lost a lot of the yellowing that had me worried. I guess it was just light deprived leaves that bounced back after they got what they needed.
Thanks for stopping by.


Man that looks good to me… All of them the way they are spreading out. Are all of them in new pots now?

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No. The only one I have in the new system is the Blue Dream. The others are the ones I though I could salvage after I got lined out. They’re not doing too awful bad considering what they looked like a few weeks ago. lol


Just popin’ in to say high! :woozy_face:
I am not caught up anymore and may never get caught up…LOL
Too much love flyin’ round this thread.
You got some crew here with ya @MoBilly :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Hi back bro! Yeah I have to agree. I’ve got some interesting friends. lol
It does get a little off bubble around here at times.


Good night @MoBilly and OG, See ya in the morning.