MoBillys Forevermore Green Room Thread (Part 1)

At least you found it. I have received completely empty envelopes before. Its a heartbreaker.


Yes you got very lucky. I’ve had several letters get here with the seeds gone. I have to wonder if my mailman is growing some fine weed at my expense.


I hate when I get a letter in a plastic bag from USPS that has looked :eyes: like the dog :dog: got a hold to it! :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

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Gmornin…just sipping coffee in the tent, catching up…and I thought gee that thing is growing…then I looked ,it’s a 124 day old auto flower…3-4 weeks after harvest started…


Good morning @BigDaddyDrew ,
Is that thing re-vegging? I thought auto’s were a one shot deal.
:thinking: I don’t know much about auto’s though so there’s that. lol


Yes thats a blackjack autoflower… I harvested down to there about a month ago-- just been giving it water, maybe only 1/2 a cup per day topwater only… So today --I decided it was wierd enuf to share. :face_with_raised_eyebrow: :thinking:

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Will she flower again?

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Morning @MoBilly also other OG s in the thread! Getting caught up and do you separate your milk from the goats or do you just leave it be?

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I dont think so, There were buds at those locations when I harvested the rest of the plant, But they have at least doubled in size and appear to still be growing,(both leaves and pistils) I’m a new grower, so this is me learning and playin… I have no idea what it’s really gonna do- I expected it to just die…


We skim some cream for coffee and such but we still don’t have a separator. We’ve been looking into getting one. My wife’s aunt has one that we’ve used in the past but don’t want to drive 30 miles every time we would want to use it.
I’m trying to come up with the scratch to get one. Amazon has cheap crap for less than $200 but “you get what you pay for” is a saying I’ve always lived by. A decent separator will run ~$400 +.

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Check it out @MoBilly, maybe :thinking: this could work for you? Pretty reasonable price. :blush:

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Good morning

:100: percent, grandma used to tell us the same. Said we didn’t have the money to buy cheap stuff. Said buy one that will last and buy it once!

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Good morning @MoBilly and the rest of you guys, mails been wicked slow and off here too. Drives me nuts cuz you get used to certain times from certain places and when it’s a day , two or more late I start to think the worst, everytime. But they show up, pretty much always.

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Good morning TST! I hope all is well in your neck of the woods.
Here’s hoping. :crossed_fingers:t5:

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Feeling better actually, not 100% but getting there. All is well except I cut my dogs nail short but luckily it only bled for a few minutes, I was panicking.

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Informed delivery says I have a letter from OK that was postmarked on the 7th of Feb on the way so one of your letters have made it to my area @BigMike55 or @JohnnyPotseed . I’m guessing it’s from Mike due to the handwriting but we shall see.

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Well hell, lemme know if that doesn’t make it soon, brother.

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I will. I’m salivating like Pavlov’s pups right now. lol

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That is after reading @BigMike55 's review. lol