MoBillys Forevermore Green Room Thread (Part 1)

Right now I am sitting here with a loaded bong containing a ball of mashed up bubble hash from Mike and some of the Frankenstein from when I made seeds.

This is how much of that Frankenstein I have left. It’s the only strain I keep right by my recliner at all times. I do that because I blend it with a lot of my other weed that needs a little boost to hit the right note. :slight_smile:
I’m not hurting ATM.
:+1:t5: :+1:t5:
:star: :star: :star: :star: :star:


I’ve done that. It’s enough to make a person panic a little.
Do you keep some sulfur powder around? If not, I would get some for future instances. It’ll stop that bleeding right quick.


Is that what I need? I was looking online and they say so many different things it’s nuts!! Thank you I was confused. One says corn starch, or corn starch and baking soda, some say tea bags, oh man I was literally freaking out but I think I got it right at the start of the Quik/vein so it was still able to clot. Thank God!

Well I know what I’m grabbing tonight at the store, definitely keeping some on hand, thank you :pray:t3:

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Cornstarch is a good option as well. I’ve had to use on the pups a couple time myself. That’s the issue with black nails


We used to raise Rottweilers. Their tails and dewclaws are taken off just after they are birthed. Sulfur powder is what we always used to stop the bleeding. It works like a charm.

They used to use a sulfur powder in the military to treat wounds as well.


Just a sprinkle of fine Sulphur powder would work I’m assuming then?


Put some in a small lid/cap and just hold the paw and dip the nail into it


Yep. Sometimes (if you went deep into the quick) you may have to, kind of, pack a pinch on the wound but it doesn’t take much.


Just how we did it.


You actually declawed and docked the tails yourself? Man you farm guys . I once helped my buddy denut their young cows and that was something else. But with the work you do on the regular I’d suppose it just becomes second nature gelding etc.

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Perhaps 15 miles from my house I service a customer (I work for a railroad here in Canada) and we export, 100,000+ tons of Sulphur a week for them. I will grab a ziploc bag of it sitting on the ground nextime I’m there. Appreciate the advice.

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Yeah. We don’t call a vet unless it’s something major. Then it’s just to treat the initial emergency. After that we take care of what needs done.
We had a little filly get into some old fence wire that we didn’t know about. It’d probably been down in those leaves for 50 years looking at the kind of wire it was. Anyway, she was cut deep and long. The vet came out, cleaned the wound (I can’t describe it without being way too graphic on here) and gave us the antibiotic shots… We healed her after that. It was a 6 month healing process.
You do what needs done on a homestead. We keep a supply of what is needed in case something like that occurs again. We probably wouldn’t even call a vet next time.
Shoot, Grandpa wouldn’t have. He would have went right to work on that horse and she’d have been just fine. lol


That’s awesome, and tbh a big part of what’s missing in the world. I always wished I took off to Alaska at 22 like I was planning, to learn to trap, hunt properly out there and fish my ass off. I would probably be a totally different person now and I’m happy, but it’s that one thing in the back of my mind I always regret as I was so close! I think losing touch with nature/land etc. is part of society’s downfall. Although there is a certain focus again on that aspect but sadly I’m afraid we’re way beyond fixing things .

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Can’t denut a cow, bro. Just sayin’.


Careful brother. That’s almost politically incorrect now days. You don’t know what gender that cow/bull considers itself.

Just saying.


Bahaha I was gonna write something similar but opted out…. That was gold, also now I get it. I was admittedly kinda lost. (But I did just do a big dab in my defense :wink:) man I’m dumb :man_facepalming:t2:


There you go!


But u can milk a bull if u pull on that one teat just right :flushed::upside_down_face::rofl:

:laughing::rofl::joy::sweat_smile: these killed me!

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