MoBillys Forevermore Green Room Thread (Part 1)

Yeah they were saying supposed to be like 3-4 inch today. But if it’s coming early gonna try and get some of the outside stuff done before it hits. That you have a mid day gig? What’s the occasion or just get out and have some fun?

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It’s an assisted living place. We go to this one once every month regularly.

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Good morning friends…… @MoBilly i grabbed myself some sulfur powder this morning to ensure I never have that issue again although I doubt I’ll ever cut her nails myself again . Better safe than sorry right? :man_shrugging:t2:

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You realize @TopShelfTrees1 where you went wrong the last time so why not go ahead and do it yourself? Black nails are more difficult than white ones but just take a little at a time. You can see where to stop with very little experience. It’ll save you some money and, honestly, anything that you do with your dog like that builds trust and a deeper bond. Things like bathing… that we hand off to others are a wasted opportunity to build that relationship. That is, if a person has the time to do such things. :+1:t5:
They do make those dog toenail grinders. They go for ~ $25 and they have guards that keep a person from going too deep.


You know, you are totally right. TOTALLY. And what they charge to do it is nuts for 2 mins of work also. I never really thought of the bonding these things entail as well. Ok I’m not giving up…… thank you for the advice as always :pray:t3:


You are very welcome. :slight_smile:


That’s awesome, need to get a spot down south. It’s becoming all city up here. I miss the old neighborhood / lack there off . Ooo also you know where they released all the elk at?

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Yeah. They released those critters South of us (more down toward Arkansas). If I’m not mistaken, they have a few spots that have been given permission to do some controlled hunts. I heard that a couple of years back. I’ve not seen any sign of any around here or heard of any for that matter. It would be a great thing to see one. I don’t get to the deeper woods often anymore so I don’t stand much of a chance. :slight_smile:
We’ve seen bear though. There’s quite a population of them around now. That’s cool as the other side of the pillow right there. But that’s also why we kept back so many livestock guardian dogs. lol

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Good morning @MoBilly

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Good morning @Fortman420 . :slight_smile:

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I found with the goats and birds the white tend to bleed more and the dark are harder to see the quick.

It is always best to error on the not enough and trim more often. The blood vein will recede as you cut back.

That said my Dog is my baby and goes to the groomer :slight_smile:

:green_heart: :seedling:


That is super cute!! @G-paS that a little lady?


Yep @G-paS , That’s exactly why they are more difficult. The white nails are softer and you can actually see the quick long before you get into it and because it’s softer, you have more control of how much you’re taking off. Hard, black nails can sometimes make it hard to judge how much you might take off before there’s a problem.
It’s an easy thing to learn and doesn’t cost you a $50 trip to the groomer. We have nine dogs BTW. lol


Yeah, that was an old photo the groomer took.

But look how cute see looks. Ours charges $15 for mails. It was only $5 with the old owner pre covid.

Hope all is well sweetie.

:green_heart: :seedling:


Well @G-paS , if I had one that cute I might pop for a makeover. lol
My dogs are all raw boned farm dogs that don’t care what they look like as long as they get a coyote to chew on every now and then.


Good morning to all, waking up to snow :snowflake:! :partying_face: just came back in from a romp with the dog :dog:, time to get some coffee :coffee: and roll a few joints to start the day off right! :hugs:


Good morning @MoBilly & OG


Mornin @MoBilly and OG hope y’all are well.


Good morning I @MoBilly, have a nice weekend.:peace_symbol:


:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

That’s a different type of cute!!!

Good morning everyone!