MoBillys Forevermore Green Room Thread (Part 1)

I would agree for the most part. I have, however, raised a few pups from birth that were worthless. What I mean is they just don’t have the assets that their breed is known for. For instance a herding dog that becomes a stock killer. I’ve seen it. You know what I mean. That same dog in a different living situation may make a great companion for someone. But I would consider it worthless and probably deceased.

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Here we have 4 cats. But i am truly a dog person.
Cats could care less about you unless they want to be petted or fed. To a dog you are their whole world and they let you know it………


Yep. A cat would have nothing to do with a human if we didn’t feed them or give them a warm place in the Winter. A dog will go out, kill something and bring it to his owner if he needs it. Or even go get help if you’re stuck in a well! I saw it on TV.


I have 2 mini Shnoodles, 3 cats, 5 fish. My 1 dog, Fredonia went into emergency vet last night while I was at work as he had a minute long seizure. He’s coming home in a couple hrs but still don’t know the cause. He’s an older doggo, 14 yrs old and this has been his first health scare, he’s my boy. He slept on my chest when we finally got to bring him home @ 6 wks old.

It’s stressful to say the least but we’re just dealing with it will do what we need to make his time here for whatever length happy and comfortable. (Sorry for putting this here, just trying to deal with the stress the best I can)

My 1 cat, Phoebe, but I call her Pudge plays fetch for about 30 minutes a day. She’s more like a dog than a cat.

Dogs, Cats definitely great companions. Well cats are sometimes other times just A-holes


I had a cat that would bring me all kinds of dead things.
The funniest thing it brought inside for me was a Tree Frog. Except it wasn’t dead.
The Frog escaped the cats mouth and started hopping around in the kitchen. :rofl:


My Cousins old Shih Tzu just recently began having seizures. They are going to give CBD oil a try. If you think you might try it, my wife found a site called Innovetpet that’s endorsed by the AKC. I plan to make some CBD tincture and bubble hash after I harvest the Blueberry CBD that I just started.

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You and everyone else has a right to feel strongly for pets. They take loyalty to a high art.


Mine has a stomach thing , so tonight it was rabbit.


Thought it might be Pomeranian. :+1:t3: @Hashpants


My wife just LOVES when one of our 5 cats brings her an offering. lol
:rofl: Especially the ones that are still kicking. :laughing:
I heard my wife let out a loud, discouraging word from the pantry. I got up to check if she was OK. The cat had brought her a very much still alive mouse. While the cat was sitting there looking up expecting a bit of praise, the little mouse looked around and made a break for it. The little guy made good his escape while the cat just sat there.
My wife was none too happy with a cat that’d release a mouse into her pantry. lol


Well, I went ahead and worked outside today and overdid it again. I’m going to have to lay down for a bit to work the kinks out.
Someone sit on @BigMike55 if you gotta. Just keep him out of trouble. :laughing:


I have a bunch of cbd here which I will start to get him when I get him home. He’s eating again so that’s a positive direction. @MoBilly, @Hashpants appreciate the kind thoughts and suggestions


Start with diet.As above , so below

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Definitely cheaper and better to make your own cbd/thc for yourself and pets.
You should be able to find cbd isolate really cheap
@MoBilly i thought you were taking it easy today!


A pair of standard poodles pack hunted my wolf. When one came up behind her while the other was backing her up, I luckily saw what was happening and got in the middle before something really bad happened.

They’re interesting pups, lol.

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good morning @MoBilly and OG! :coffee: :coffee: :coffee:

Have a great and relaxing Sunday! :vulcan_salute: :vulcan_salute: :vulcan_salute:


Mornings eh? Who needs them? Am I right?


Didn’t sleep well again my friend?


No but I’m used to it. 1, 3, 5. Pretty standard. Not so bad if I have hash. And it’s an acceptable time to drink coffee so I’m doing that now.


I’m glad to hear that you are good! I’ll get myself some bubble bags soon. I also need to try making hash. Some nights I toss and turn from right to left and so on. dab rig might be a good idea to get some sleep!

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