MoBillys Forevermore Green Room Thread (Part 1)

Good morning @Hotrods_and_hounds . Today is, indeed, starting off just fine and dandy. Coffee’s hot, the music is smooth and regular morning chores are done. :v:t5:


I have taken your suggestions @MoBilly & @JohnnyPotseed and am working on her, sometimes she is not willing to give in and rest, she is one of those workaholics that spreads herself to thin. Makes me tired :yawning_face: just watching her. :+1::wink::sunglasses::ok_hand::peace_symbol:


We might be long lost brother-in-laws. I think I married your wife’s sister!
I put in a lot of 10-12 hr (and more) days in my life but EVERY day has been that and more for my wife through all these years. She works from can till can’t with not a word of complaint.
I could never have stayed married to a person who isn’t part of the team. For real.


My wife is 1000% the same, woman’s an angel. I hear ya


IS there a cloning machine for this type of woman?! lol Rose is same way, always has been
She was still up on roofs, nailing shingle at the age of 47! lol
@MoBilly you’ve seen this little gal, lol she was lugging bundles of shingles up the ladder at that age
Toss the bundle over her shoulder, and away she goes with it!


Counting all the crap I’ve been through throughout my life… Having her with me more than evens out the balance of good and bad.
We are some very fortunate men.


Damn a roofer! Thats no easy task especially for a woman. Wow


My sentiments exactly

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One look in Roses eyes will tell you she has no “back up” in her. lol
Also. If you see a pic of her back when you will be asking yourself “How did @JohnnyPotseed rate such a woman!”


She started off when we got together. Her pop, uncle, brother and cousin all worked for me. I put her to work as a ‘groundman’ cleaning up. over the years she worked her way up to foreman of her own crew, and could work circles around a lot of em! Grabs sheet of plywood and takes it wherever lol


@TopShelfTrees1 lol ask Mobilly, she ain’t no bigger than a popcorn poot


That’s seriously awesome, I did roofing . Flat and shingles for a few years, never saw a woman besides delivery drivers, that’s seriously impressive. Those bundles up a ladder are no joke. I’m truly impressed, not a lot of women would want to even try that never mind endure. Please tell her she has my utmost respect. I bet our wives would be 3 peas in a pod altogether

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She had folks amazed, just wanting to watch her. She would measure and cut on 12" miter saw, 16’ sticks of 6" crown molding and nail it all up by herself. lol
And none of that butt-joined crap, coped all inside corners, and miter joints.

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One bundle of shingles would equal about 1/3 her weight. lol


My wife is not so physical although she can paint, build wood stuff etc. but she’s a machine, even supported me for 2.5 years, solo. I see so many guys who just don’t appreciate their wives whatsoever and for all I know maybe it’s deserved but it’s nice to see others feel as I do about their spouse. For real, she’s also my best friend no question

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Yep, lol she’s only ever been around 103-105 (5’3) all the years we’ve been together


Now that’s a tiny woman, mines actually similar she’s about 5’5 and although I’m not sure I’d say 125-30

We did 57 roofs one summer, after a big hurricane. I had 25-35 guys working for me and she ran her own crew of 7.

We did a remodel contract on a few Holiday Inns, she’d take one room while I did another.

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Oh ya you guys live in areas with hurricanes/tornados huh? Roofing must be big big business out there. I have a friend who has one here he does well too with all the new construction, I should have kept roofing instead of opening a painting business, that was my downfall


I feel just as fortunate as the rest of you guys, I think :face_with_monocle: that the woman :woman: such as my wife that is from NC, got a determined drive that just won’t let them ever give in. I for one could not have found a better wife and a friend. This year November we will have been together for 33 years and married for 27. :ok_hand::+1::facepunch::wink::sunglasses::peace_symbol::partying_face::partying_face::partying_face:

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