MoBillys Forevermore Green Room Thread (Part 1)

That is how I feel, I dont need that sort of stone dragging me down… I would live in a cave if I could find one large enough on some wooded land


Oh and good morning @TopShelfTrees1 , @BigMike55 , @Emeraldgreen, @HeadyBearAdventures and @shag .
I’m still waiting to see the sun the weatherman promised.


Good morning! You’re always welcome in Arizona in the winter…350 days of sunshine!


I’ve only been through Arizona once when I got a ride on a semi when I was young and crazy @HeadyBearAdventures . Unfortunately it was nighttime so I didn’t get to see much scenery. I did, however, get to see the most spectacular display of lightening during that storm we went through. I mean chain lightening that went from horizon to horizon! I was amazed!
I wish I could experience that again. I get high now. lol


It’s tough for people that live in green places to immediately appreciate desert scenery, but we learn to see the beauty in the barenness


I would LOVE to spend a month riding and camping out that way. I always had a dream of taking a string of horses and a couple of my dogs on a good long ride. I don’t know if there’s anywhere in MO that a person could ride for more than a couple of days without coming up on a property fence. I live near the Mark Twain forest and used to ride out there a lot but the MT is broken up so much with private property. There were a lot of folks that refused to sell to the state, and good on them. Some were forced to sell out, “imminent domain” and all that. Enough folks got pissed that I haven’t heard of the state doing that around here since I was around 20 yrs old.
I even wonder if there are many places anywhere near here that are like that anymore, where a feller could ride for a week and not see any barbed wire.
Maybe the Kiamichi Wilderness… in Oklahoma… :thinking:
Other than that I think maybe some parts of Montana…


Happy Sunday my friend, hope you and the family are relaxing and had a good weekend!


We are. And thank you. I hope you and yours are doing as well. :slight_smile:


Tonight’s meal plan
Brown trout wrapped in bacon …still deciding to keep skin on it or not
Broccoli-from the garden
Bacon from Mr.Pig
Rice -from china
No left overs so get here before dinner


My wife and I spent the winter of 2008 in NW Phenix and really enjoyed it . So much so we started searching for property. The problem we had was water. Every place we looked at had to have water trucked in and stored in a tank.


We got very lucky in that respect when Dad bought this property. They hit water at 110’ depth when digging the well. Also, if I take a walk down in the holler in front of my house, there’s three springs that never dry up. It’s my favorite place to chill. But I’d have to take a 4wheeler down there now because I would never make it out on foot. The ridge is pretty steep on that side.
Now, if we just had more black dirt. lol
The only thing that grows on that part of the property is rocks. Every time it rains the rocks get taller.


Doing my Daily check-in.
I see you are doing G-R-E-A-T
How s the garden?


The girls are looking better all the time. I’ll be flipping the flower room over to 12-12 tonight. But I’m still trying to figure out the timing for my next run. I’m so eager to start it but I don’t want to have giant vegged plants coming up behind flowering plants that are not finishing soon enough.
I did that a couple of times. It was a PITA. I had plants that were 5’ tall when I could get them into the flower room. And I ended up rushing the harvest of the buds on several plants. I ended up with less potency than they could have produced.
Let’s try to not repeat that fiasco. Yeah, that’s the plan. :laughing:


Great,let’s take It slow.I know what you are talking about.When they start to flower you Just want to super fast forward to the next beans,It Is an addiction for sure.
I think there are never enough seeds in the planet😁
Currently flowering some Berry freaks and It seems they never come to and end :scream:

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I plan to try some Supafreaks outside again this year. Last years two boys were a disappointment. I had some workers give them the triple look over and I pulled them before pollen really began to be pumped out so I didn’t even get much pollen.
This year I’ll have them in a more secure location though and I’ll plant three if all three of the seeds pop.

I wish I could grow a lot more than I’m allowed but it is what it is. If I’m honest, I am not able, physically, to do much more than I am now. lol
But in my mind I’m 20 yrs old and bullet proof.


Yes! I love it


I feel similar, however my body and mind not so much :disappointed:


Yeah. I get that @TopShelfTrees1 . The doctors threw me a knuckle ball this week but I’m fixing to prove they don’t have a clue. They don’t know what kind of healing I’ve seen and experienced in my life. I plan to make a few “specialists” jaws drop to their chests.


Atta boy, you’ve got this no question. Amen :pray:t3:


I have one hell of a support group. That, coupled with the stubbornness my dad always accused me of having will serve me well, I believe.
Maybe that’s why I love raising goats. They are the most stubborn animals to walk on four legs so I get them and they get me. lol