MoBillys Forevermore Green Room Thread (Part 2)

I load mine twice a day. Once before I leave for work, and once as soon as I get home from work.


Good morning @MoBilly, good morning OG’s. I’ve been getting my wood split and stacked up for winter in the barn. My friend has a splitter on the back of his tractor. He spends time splitting for some customers but he gives me mine. I give him clones and plants for his weed stash. It’s a good trade off for me and him.:peace_symbol:


I know @Oldjoints ! My buddy has one the also heats the water for his place. It’s amazing! The dang thing will take 4’ x 10" logs! He has a log loader on wheels to feed it. It’s like a hydraulic engine hoist with a quick release for after the log is rolled in and positioned. The water heater is, probably, 60 gal give or take.
But the dang thing cost a crap ton of cash.

Well, time to make the doughnuts

Be back afterwards.


Another friend of mine had a wood / gas furnace he heated his house with wood also. No doughnuts this week. It’s all relaxing sinc it’s my last week off.

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Good morning @Greenfingers
Now that’s something I hadn’t thought of
 I might try and work something out next year with a young man I know



This is a good one:

The price not so much, but far cheaper than others I have seen.


It might as well be $1,000,000. lol
No way in Billy hell I could swing that.

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My outdoor stove is a Hardy. My in-laws sold their home and relocated several years ago.
The guy that bought their old place never used the outside stove because he was too lazy to mess with it.
The next year, I asked him if he would be interested in selling it. The answer was yes, and when I asked how much, he said $100.00.
Needless to say, I loaded it on a trailer, and hauled it to the house.


Hardy is a fairly good stove, you stole that thing!
Is it similar to this model?



Heck yeah, I did, and I am proud of it, too, lol.
The guy had no idea what it was worth, and I wasn’t about to tell him.


Yep, that’s the same wood burner.


Your best bet is to get a good used burner. You can find some pretty good deals out there because folks move out and new owners don’t want to deal with wood or people get old and can no longer handle the labor.

Here is just an example:


Hope everyone is having a great morning
good on you @MoBilly for the fire wood :wood:


Good morning @percyryan66 ! :v:t4:

Something like that might be possible next year ~ @Oldjoints . But there are more pressing matters to put funds toward ATM.
I might even price the metal to build one
 My brother is an excellent welder. That’s something to consider.


It funny how you can get things so cheap, when people are too lazy to do a little labor. I’m no genius but I can work on things like I have since I was a young man. I bought a leaf vac off someone for $75 bucks, it needed a new gasket to stop the oil leak lol maybe $5 bucks to fix and they go for about a grand or more.


Good morning @Greenfingers !
Yeah. I’ve run across that myself. Around here we get everything we can out out of what we have and then repurpose what we can after whatever it is finally shells out. lol
Poverty is a good incentive to be creative.


lol We call it ‘negative financial ingenuity’
throw a fancy name on poor man’s make-do!


I like that.
It’s like a 5’ man being vertically challenged instead of “short”. :rofl:
Sounds better but it still means the same. lol


Eat cactus.

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My dad was a short man. That was his joke. “I’m not short, I’m vertically challenged”. lol
I like to keep his old jokes going. My kids have even been known to use one or two.