MoBillys Forevermore Green Room Thread (Part 2)

Back at you my friend!


Hows it going over there today buddy?


Iā€™m doing better than yesterday. Iā€™m not complaining. lol As long as I can get something done today, Iā€™m good.
Hope you are doing well.


Good morning everyone! I hope yall are having a wonderful day so far

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The coffee is strong and I feel well enough to try some heavier work here in a bit. Waiting for Eva to get back before I get busy. She tricked me into agreeing that I wouldnā€™t fire up the chainsaw without her or one of the guys here. Women are sneaky that way sometimes. lol
Iā€™ve run a saw for 50+ years and she thinks Iā€™m going to cut my leg off.
Go figureā€¦


Man i know how that goes tho! When my mom loat the house to bankruptcy and we moved out to a smaller place then my sister was goinf back to grab something she left at the house and we found people illegally logging the property and they got so surprised to see my sister one guy dropped the chainsaw i guess while it was running and it went right into his leg. They left all their machinery and took off in a side by side. Never saw them again and the police took all their equipment but its like geez definitely have the PPE for the job or be very cautious


Iā€™ve seen the results of not being cautious. I keep my head clear and on point on a work site. Especially when alone.


Seen it happen as well far too many times. About watched my trainer today dump a big load of 1 inch solid bars and kept asking him you sure you wanna lift it like that i was waiitng for bars to start spilling all over the floor he came really close and i think everyone stopped for a bit to even watch lol. Had my anxiety thru the roof i stood on the other side of the shop anticipating the worst

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Yeah. The kind of work I did was dangerous at times even when you were paying attention. Absent mindedness can get someone very dead.


BTW speaking of a mind, I just took a small bud from my Cap Junky. Ainā€™t she pretty @NDNCHILD !? She is at week 8 day 3.

Did you get much purple?


Very nice! @MoBilly Iā€™m still watching mine to get the right harvest time but sheā€™s close. She does have the same coloration yours does. Same fade on the leaves as well. Itā€™s gonna be a nice smoke!
Iā€™m looking forward to it! :slightly_smiling_face: Hope you enjoy as well! :fist:t3::feather::feather:


My capjunky didnt get a whole lot of purple either but she got super frosty and of all the strains i have on hand to smoke it was me, my wifes, and my buddies favorite


Good morning @MoBilly. That looks delicious and could probably put a permasmile on your face after just a small sample :rofl: Have a great Friday! :green_heart:


This one is just now showing a little bit of amber on the leaves. Sheā€™s got a ways to go. Iā€™m thinking two weeks ish~ā€¦

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That sounds promising. :slight_smile:

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I am like a kid waiting for Christmas morning. lol


Morning @MoBilly and the rest of you fine folks. Frickinā€™ nerve crap in my feet has me climbing the walls! Yikes almighty! The neuropathy stuff is a whole different animal. Possibly an alien.

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You should SMELL it!!! Oh man! It has a wonderful stink!!


No like on that.

I hate to read that man. Hope you get back to almost normal soon. Nerve damage is nothing to laugh about.


Eva just brought in the mail.

I had the perfect spot for it.