Moving the light schedule back by an hour or two?

Hey everyone I have a question. I may take a new job here soon it would be 3 12 hour shifts one week and 4 the next. What I’m wondering is, can I switch my light schedule a hour or 2 back? so instead of 6am on and 6pm off, can I turn it to 4 or 5 am on and same thing in the Pm. Just wondering so I can have time to do stuff with them in the morning. It would be about 2 and 1/2 weeks until I start and they just finished preflower stretch. My new job would start at 6am and end at 6pm. Thanks in advance!


I think they meant in the actual chat.

I dont see how adjusting the schedule could alter the flowering stage too much. Unless you dramatically adjust back to the vegetative light schedule. I sometimes switch between 12/12 and 11/13. Just a thought!


You can shift your light schedule.
I’ve done it by half hour increments and in one big jump without issue.
My ‘research’ indicated it’s the dark schedule you must maintain so basically add or subtract from the ‘lights on’ cycle.

Good luck on the new job :+1:



I guess that if you keep them one day in the dark and switch to the new schedule they will never find out what happened … :sweat_smile:


Howdy @Kod42, I think of it like in nature, sometimes during the day it can become cloudy with thunderstorms whereas in the night the sun never really makes a guest appearance.

I think it would be ideal to turn the timer off early one day at the newly desired schedule timing and have it set to resume at the new ideal “on” time. That way it will be set to the new ideal schedule and it will sort of mimic what can happen in nature like overcast very cloudy thunderstorm rolling in a couple hours before sunset. Also because cannabis is considered a short day plant, apart from auto flowering types, which require long nights for flowering. Hope this helps. Many blessings and much love


Yes you can.

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Thank you for making that simple! I will definitely try having them turn off at the scheduled time and on at the new time!