Mushroom Spore and Culture Giveaway!

Giveaway is over, congrats to the winners and please shop with MushroomManMycology to expand your mind with fungal medicine and food. Keep an eye out for the Halloween sale at the end of the month and a giveaway next month.

Mush love <3

Hello OG community!

I am a new sponsor and happy to help expand the minds and growing prowess of the fine members who have welcomed me here.

MushroomManMycology offers gourmet/medicinal mushroom cultures for growing and active species spores for microscopy/art/collection purposes. Active species are those from the Psilocybe and Panaeolus genera, yes “magic mushrooms”. Spores are fun to study and collect with tons of different genetics and varieties.

To show my appreciation for those who have supported me here and to give more MMJ growers a chance to have synergy with their grows using mushrooms, I am offering a giveaway!

There will be 3 winners- each will receive a $35 credit to use towards a purchase on my website,
Entries are open to everyone in any location, and no matter where the winners are, there are products that can be offered to them. See my Terms of Service for more info though for those outside the US and those in GA, Ca or ID in the US.

Winners will be chosen on October 16th. I will post winners in a comment and message the winners separately. One entry per person. Must enter before winners are selected to be eligible, so get your number posted!

To Enter the Giveaway
Like and leave a comment on this post and select a number between 10-410. Make sure no one else has selected the number – the first chronological poster of duplicate numbers will receive the prize. Winners will be selected by random number generator.

Please spread the word and checkout the items I offer. Spend some time checking out the different items I have, read about their histories and get excited for some mycology in your life- hopefully jumpstarted with a nice discount!

Please also spread the word of my products and your experience shopping with me. I really appreciate shoutouts on Reddit, discord, facebook, Instagram and any other platform you frequent with mycologists. I would also like to see more people here on Overgrow talking mushies! If you do spread the word thank you so much and don’t forget to checkout my referral program to benefit yourself and any new customers you send my way!

Mush love <3

I truly appreciate all of the support, I could not offer the quality products at the prices that I do without the support from my customers. So thank you for helping me to help you and our growing community…

Checkout my welcome post to see some gourmets I have grown and to see the overgrow discount code I offer :slight_smile:


Halloween edited Pioppino


Awesome! Been dying to try micro dosing but no funds to start…. 44


Is this for USA only @MushroomManMycology ?


I will take 60 for a shot at them!


333 for me!

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Ima go for 115 :smiley:

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147 here ye, here ye!

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121 please hope I win!!!

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Ohhhhhh such pretty Fungus i will take number 11.Good luck everyone

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Need to try the GT’s! Number 75.

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You can just call me Unkempt Harold today… gotta go with 357.

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Wonderful! Thanks for the opportunity @MushroomManMycology :smiley:

Let me claim number 378

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I’ll clarify in the post as well.

No, this is open to all! I am able to take international orders (outside the US) but all international orders are processed manually by me. You cannot checkout directly on the website.

So I am happy to offer the credit to any non US winners as well.


Awesome, thanks for clarifying and for the cool giveaway. :v:


Thanks for the opportunity @MushroomManMycology
Only placed 2 orders so far total, but everything was perfect. The freebies, low prices and down to earth customer service were outstanding. Thank you for everything!

I’m gonna have to go with the Misfits…
We Are 138! 138 is my pick


I choose 69


I love your pricing and mission. However, the fact that every other company is shipping to CA and MushroomManMycology isn’t has me slightly disappointed.


Thanks for the fun @MushroomManMycology !

I’ll pick 409 because someone has to!

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Thank you for the sweet giveaway @MushroomManMycology!

I’m going with 277 :grin::mushroom:

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I love me some mushrooms. Excellent giveaway. I choose 99 as 69 was taken.

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