Mushrooms - DIY, spores, etc 🍄 (Part 2)

That’s more of a wood nutrient based mushroom right? I grow in coir/perlite with wbs as nute source. I’m guessing these are more like cyan maybe?

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Have heard they’re nice, i have a print that was tossed in with agar.

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Ovoids are wood lovers for colder climates.


Ok kind thought so by the background ground litter. I’m in high plains desert not the northeast or pnw so not for me I
Thanks for the offer @PollenCharlie

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My culture is from a print that was collected from a wild specimen found in Atlantic City NJ. This culture likes to fruit when days get up to 80-90F, typically around mid June here. They do like to get wet and won’t fruit without adequate water. I have sent prints all over the world. I have friends that started with my spores who have established patches now in Florida, Alaska, California, Oregon, Texas, OZ, Israel, Croatia, Turkey, and many other places. They are an extremely hardy, tolerant, and prolific mushroom. They will consume nearly any type of organic debris. IME they are about 3x the potency of average good cubes.

Standing offer…


I’m game for a print. Will they work with whole oats or wbs? I have to grow inside being just outside of Death Valley. Thanks for sharing!


For spawn sure but they need wood to fruit. Considering they flush only a few times once a year, growing them in tubs is likely possible but probably in no way reliable or productive.

Death valley is pretty extreme. I’ve been there. You can cook an egg on a rock.

If any woodlover could live and fruit there it would be ovoid.

Shoot me a privnote or something with an address and I’ll get a couple out. Probably some cube prints too. Various hybrids and such.

They are from outdoor fruits, may have critter crawling marks, and likely will need some cleanup but the prints are very fresh from this year and plenty viable.


It would be really cool to see an ovoid grow on joshua tree mulch or agave/cactus wood.

Ovoids grow just west of there in Ojai CA. I found them in the mulch in the park there decades ago.

Also you can set up trash cans with sprayers inside like yoshi does here for exotics: Yoshitrainer's trashcan FC - Mushroom Cultivation - Shroomery Message Board

Yoshi is in a very hot dry climate I believe similar to yours.


I’ve followed a lot of Yoshi’s threads. We have lots of mesquite here wonder if that would work?:thinking:. Anyways Ill figure something out. Cleaning them up is not an issue.

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Glad I saw this thread pop up! As far as mycology goes I’ve been a total head the past 25 years or so. I’ve long since retired my cultivation days (outside of my perpetual woodlover beds) but I do have a great collection of spore prints if anyone is interested! Some OLD wild texans, wild FL, proper Ban Hua Thanon, Playa Uvita, Tak Mointain, melmak swabs, Avery’s, All the woodlovers, weird shit. Feel free to DM me, I’m always down to be the sucker in a trade :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

Enjoy some flix!


Hello guys, today will be the first time that I will try to inoculate the mushrooms, let’s see if I will be successful… I made pk tek with cateto rice, that’s what I had here. I managed to make 6 packages of 350g and 1 of 500g. I’m going to leave them now for 45 minutes in the pressure cooker to sterilize


I think you mean pf Tek. Also I believe that pf Tek is using brown rice flower. Whole rice isn’t pf Tek but it will work! Congrats I hope it works well for you!


I can’t see your lids. PFTEK is best done in half pint wide mouth jars. Bigger isn’t better. It’s also usually done with brown rice flour, verm, and water. Although pftek is a good start, if you already have a pressure cooker (although I don’t see pressure gauges on those), I’d go straight to running grain, working with agar, and doing a more bulk grow. I can’t recommend enough the Hitchhikers Guide on this topic ( The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Shroomery - Mushroom Cultivation - Shroomery Message Board ) admins lmk if the link is kosher – I’m new!.

Pftek involves a spore syringe, which is going to be dirty – period. This is why I recommend going to agar, then to grain, then to bulk (coco/verm basically).

You’ll want to be sterilizing at a minimum of 15PSI – not sure where you are but if you can get your hands on a 23q presto or an all american you’ll be in better shape.

Keep us tuned and if I can help I’m happy to.


A few recent grows and some agar work :). I only wish I knew this much about weed!


I don’t use any pressure gauges. They have wobble weights that work and bobble at specific psi. I use a 15 bobble weight so once it starts to wobble is at 15 psi if moving super fast it’s over 15 psi. Pf Tek works well with PC. I agree that pf Tek is great for beginners to start. I’ve done pf Tek cakes in plastic containers like that usually about 1-1.5 pint worth of medium/spawn.

Wobble weight.

Are those PE and melmak or same strain just different forms of maturity?


Pictured there was: Yeti, A Clone of a variety called Maketi that I call Dick Keti Clone (DKC), a different Maketi clone, and a variety called FP+ in the bottom.

Tape a quarter or two on the weight and you won’t have to bother hearing the wobble ;). Not needed with the autoclave, but for the pressure cookers it helps.

Quarters (or whatever weight):


FP+ those made by fahster? If so that is a :fire: cross!


Yessir. We’re buds over on the 'oomery (xVadisx over there). The fahtster is amazing. Generous. Kind. Fucking very knowledgeable. All four of those are from him.


The fahster is great for sure! The knowledge is amazing like instead of a sab he uses an inflated clear trash bag. All his work is quite amazing. I actually learned about overgrow from a member there who was banned from here!:rofl: Have you seen their sister forum the growery it’s a joke of a site but the shroomery taught me everything I know about growing caps.


This seems like the place for good marijuana info – the shroomery is fabulous for mushrooms. At the end of the day we’re all just people growing drugs with keyboards :).