My Bush has this yellow rust on it Help meh

As @WoodAndWeedWizard mentioned

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The rust/spores are what rub off. The purple does not, that’s the infection in the plant. From what I read.

Edit. It’s even a known issue on bottle brush
( Callistemon) trees/bushes


Are these leaves affected with brown to gray spots once you rub them off?


Looks like red mold. You definitely need some fungicide

ah its dark out and my memory doesnt serve me well, I might go get some fresh air soon and give you an answer !!! I did not rub hard and whatever it is stayed on the leaf.

I have Never used copper for anything, How would I go about that ?

High chances of this honestly, the soil has been drying out rapidly because the bush is in the sun most of the day, I have been giving 89oz of water almost daily to it. ( have missed a few days here and there , also I just skipped days it rained , we had a decent bit of rain this may )

I’m not sure how you’d get it where you’re at, but in the US I just go to a local plant nursery or a local hardware mega store type place and grab it. But it could be ordered off Amazon or other online sources.

This is the product I used on my figs. Just a bonide brand copper fungicide. But you could likely just search copper fungicide and pull a bunch of results

Edit: now that I’m rereading your original post it looks like you’re in the US. You can grab that product that’s linked or get something similar at most Home Depot’s, lowes, Menards, etc

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Awesome, this should help my newly transplanted peach tree if a similar problem arises too.

I will be calling the nursery Tomorrow too see if they know the origin, If its myrtle rust im screwed lol ( so I hear anyway )

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It looks really similar to the rust I see on my figs when it rains too heavily. Some plants just don’t do super well in anything but lower humidity.

With the figs, I’ll hit them with the copper fungicide to kill the rust as much as possible. Then I’ll remove as much of the rusted foliage as I can get away with, then continue copper treatments as directed to try and prevent future rust. I started preventatively this year early. It’s been raining non stop for weeks and normally this is when the rust shows up. They’re all looking solid still


That’s just wild BTL.
Never seen such a thing!

Hope you figure this out. Let us know.


They arent open on sundays so monday It is, too figure out the country of origin .

I am leaning toward mrytle rust myself because I took off the earlier effected branches about a month ago, and its back now on the new growth

I can say for certain this bush has likely been over-watered and has probably has been going through too wet/ too dry spouts.

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No clones, please… :joy_cat::call_me_hand:

:evergreen_tree: ewwwww

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