Yellow spots on fan leaves

Started seeing these spots popping up a couple days ago and getting worse… Any ideas what the problem is or how to fix it?


Maybe a calcium or boron deficiency.


More pics would help if there’s more spots… it’s hard to tell from just this picture … some background on the latest changes or feed would also help

@darkillusion could be right

Boron works alongside calcium to give integrity to plant cell walls and help with cell division. Breeders also have a soft spot for this immobile nutrient as it helps with the pollination process. A lack of boron will lead to deficiency symptoms such as a lack of turgor, reduced fertility, poor vegetative growth, and terminated meristems. New growth will become twisted, sugar leaves will wilt, and leaves will show a yellowish-brown discolouration.


How to prevent
Don’t let plants dry out often.
Avoid nutrient lockout by NOT overfeeding.
Don’t let humidity levels drop below 25%.
Use well-draining, aerated soil.
Add generous amounts of apples, bananas, broccoli, and chickpeas to your compost pile.
How to fix
Flush the medium and aim for an ideal pH range.
Mix one teaspoon of boric acid in 4l of water and apply to affected plant.


Do you see twisting in the new growth? @Living420


'Morning…do me a favor, PM “personals” again!!! THANKS, SS/BW…mister :honeybee: :100: :pray::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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Your soil looks bone dry. It’s receeding from the edges.


So one of my plants seems to have something going on , any advice is welcomed. 3 different fan leaves have this yellowish smudge.

Thirps and pollen is my guess.

I ve had pollen everywhere and it wipes off, this doesnt. its def not bugs. Idk all my other plants are fan

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Check out this, could be goldenrod rust or myrtle rust, they say also zones in USA are affected …


I actually found this and stupidly pruned off leaves. The breeder of this strain actually told me that its a common trait . lmao ,go figure… Ughhhhh ,just my luck. Anyway everything seems fine now.
Thanks for the info .

I thought it was over the leaves, so breeder thinks it’s just variegation? Can you wipe it out? icon_e_confused|nullxnull

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Yeah he said varigation was common with his strain. I m still not 100% but it didn t look like it was sick or bugs so I m hoping its only tht. I originally thought maybe pollen because everything was covered with it and I tried wiping it off to no avail . Then I thought maybe some burn from me spraying it with Neem oil the dau earlier. Idk ,I m just praying its not a big deal . I have alot of plants bunched up so I m super stressed. So far everything looks great.