Plant Rust Spots Help Update

Rust spot update:it’s been a few days and i dont think they’re little bites because i examined the plant with a flashlight and magnifying glass and didn’t see any type of little critters, and the spots are still there + new spots and brown edges. Would love some advice on what I should do, I don’t wanna kill her lol


I understand this is an update but you should always give parameters so people know what they’re working with to be able to give decent advice.

Soil or Coco?
plain water or nutes?
Feed EC?

Are we talking entire plant or just a few leaves? Lower leaves or upper?


Just brainstorming here, but that’s definitely necrosis. From what? I’m not sure - could be K toxicity or K deficiency. @George may have some more expert advice, but I agree with @Rhai88 , It would help with some more data and pics. The second picture- bottom right…looks to me like it got splashed with heavy nutes and burned…or some big ol bugs :grimacing:


If you are growing under LEDS, you need to supplement with cal/mag.


I’m sorry for lack of information, I thought this post was connected to my previous like on reddit.

it’s grown in ocean forest FF soil,
I had been giving it molasses and epsom salt in the water as well as adding in some FF nutes to the water accordingly.
I also took it outside to be repotted few days ago and added some organic 444 fertizler (not sure of the name atm it’s in a separate container) and Mychorrizae Great white to the roots.
The roots looked pretty good
The burns/spots are on 30% of the leaves and they’re on the top and bottom, and i’m pretty sure it’s spreading but hard to tell.
It’s about a month into Veg

thank you again for your response


Honestly it sounds like you could be completely throwing off the balance in your soil. Especially adding the 444 on top of your water feed. But I’ve never used FF products or grow in soil so…

@AzSeaindooin420 is the guy I’d ask to chime in…


Wow necrosis does not sound great ! I have a video where I zoom in on the spots but I cant seem to upload it.


Looks to me like partial nute lock out

Sweet spot for soil grows is 6.2-6.5 and ur barely missing it

My concern is ur throwing salts in there AND liquid nutes( synthetic salts) AND throwing organic fertilizer too.

My guess would be excessive salt build up in the soil causing some lockouts

Not personally a fan of The hybrid synthetic/organic grows as they can be tricky to dial in of nature vs force feeding coming together

but if it’s showing these signs all over it’s locked out and not able to produce the needed nutrient for new growth and trying to use the reserves in the lower leaves. Rust is typically calcium def/lockout

Fix would be to give a flush, let sit for 15 min for salts to dissolve and flush again and then leave it for 3-4 days then back to the normal regimen. If u want a better ORGANIC feed plan I can hook ya up with some good compost tea recipes


Not an expert, just trying to help but thanks for your kind words. I see two issues, one is located in a concrete zone so that’s why I suspect bugs behind that damage:


The other one as you said could be Potassium:

I think the plant might have a nutrient lockout, leaves are dark green so have plenty of nutrients available in soil and addons but cannot process those nutrients. I would lower the nutes and even flush her and check runoff ppm’s and pH, it’s clear to me that right now adding more stuff would worsen the situation, that’s what I would do if it were my plant but like I said, I am not an expert … beer3|nullxnull


Sorry, missed your reply, glad we agree. I was thinking about those curved tips and blueish green that could be Nitrogen toxicity, if you join that to an excess of Magnesium due to the Epsom salts and molasses, both could have blocked the income of Potassium, which is always widely available … beer3|nullxnull


To me I didn’t see any signs of it, usually n tox is accompanied with leaf clawing, not just the tips

Think the consensus is a flush and redial


I think George nailed it with Potassium and excess Nitrogen.
Those two go together more often than you would think…

Flush and LIFTA…



They are far from dying so go easy and methodical as opposed to trying fix after fix without waiting to see the result. THAT is what could do serious damage more than what I’d call minor issues such as what you have. Don’t add any more nutes.

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It’s worth asking… are you spraying anything on the leaves?

It’s not identical but similar to burns from spray droplets. :man_shrugging:


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