Any idea what might be going on with my stalk?

Any idea what this might be?
First, this is an indoor soil grow.

From what I can gather, its most likely pythium or possibly fusarium.
Seems to be only affecting the stalk right now, but it might be creeping to the branches. Not sure if its creeping up, or some other prob with the branches, which are turning striped purple and a little woody.

I had four, but culled one, because it semed to be much worse. Now I have three, two look about the same, and one doesnt look near as bad.

So far, Ive tried spraying the plants with sulfur, (the plant I culled had some light colored spots, so thought might be mildew), and I waterering them with H2O2, let them go for about 24 hours, next day, they were drooping, so watered with ph’d(6.2) water, and the bounced right back.

Anyway, the leaves and upper branches look pretty good right now.

Any chance I can turn them around, or would it prob be a waste of time, so I"d be better off scrapping them all, and staring over. Or maybe just trying to see if I can turn around the ine that doesnt seem so bad. Id hate to was a bunch of time and resources on it if its a hopeless cause.

I took some cuttings, I took from them, that Im cloning, but not sure if they’re also affected

Thx in advance.

Edit: Just to add that that white seen on the canopy is sulfur residue. And, to be clear, I sprayed with sulfur after stalk problem was discovered, so sulfur is not the problem.



I’m afraid it looks like stem rot … :roll_eyes:

Stem rot


I’m thinking of phytium maybe?


Looks like stem rot to me as well but it’s usually more obvious when I see it in hydro, so curious to see the outcome here. When I have seen this happen It has more to do with the cloning phase and rooting hormones on the stem ect. Starts at substrate line and moves up. Normally has to do with overwatering And rooting hormones at the soil line. Curious, if those things were observed Like this progressing up the stem from the soil line. Was this a slow onset That just gradually grew up the stem? have you tried looking just under the soil line? Cheers everyone!!!

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That’s not just standard callousing??

I mean, it doesn’t look nearly as bad as the picture @George posted :man_shrugging:


I agree it’s not as bad as I normally see it. Would be interesting to see the autopsy on this one after it’s done. But OP did state he lost one plant already from similar condition that was appearing to be spreading. Hopefully it’s not stem rot but it’s a strong possibility. Maybe OP can follow up about plants origins were they clones or seeds was there any overwatering problems ect. Cheers everyone!!!

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if in doubt mix a spray of baking soda and water PH 8+
those types of infections can be slowed or healed by providing that high ph environment as the infections can’t live in that environment. If it has penetrated too deep it might be too late


The three remaining are runtz× layer cake from Barney’s Farm. And one I culled waa Mimosa, also from Barneys.

The Mimosa didnt really present like the other 3.
First thing I noticed with it was light color spots on the leaves. Then noticed trunk and lower stems looked, eh, pics below are from the Mimosa. Anyway, thought it might have been powdery mildew so gave everything a sulfur spray, but it didnt seem to help, so…

The other three RxLC, just started as pink splotches a couple inches above the soil. I dug down abit, and trunk below soil didnt look bad. I didnt dig all the way to roots.

Now, they were clones from a mother that I was growing in coco and was having purple woody stem problem with and never could figure out why. But the clones looked fine when I took from bubbler, and put them in soil. Im kind of thinking it might have been the soil. It was a like 10 year old bag of unopened potting soil I had in my garage, that I mixed some coco, peat, and perlite with. I also had a few fungus gnats but put some stickies around, and havent seen any since, but the could have brought something.

I took some clones from both strains before I noticed problem and they sprouted roots and seem fine. So think I might just cull these, and try the clones in coco again and hope for the best.
I have no other seeds on hand, or Id prob just start completely over right now.


I dont think its just callous. Some of the spots look like “the bark” is missing. I say that, because thats what the worse areas remind me of. Like if I were to take a file or something and run it across it, and then It dried and aged.

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Ive been spraying it with sulfur when I water, and when I gave soild a peroxide drench, I hit all that with peroxide to.

Will tive baking soda a try, but my tap water if like 8+ ph. I always have to ph it down to like 6.2 -6.5.

I had fusarium a few years back and it started out looking similar but pics don’t always show things. I would get some bottled water and use baking soda to create an alkaline solution of 8 to 8.4 PH.
Worked for me and my well water was 7.6 at the time. I used RO water from the store.
don’t need to drench it, just light sprays to simply wet the area , once or twice a day for a few days anyways.


That does not look like stem rot is the good news and the bad news unfortunately as there just more questions not answers. Whatever the issue is definitely appears to be above the soil line. I will definitely have to lean on the OG plant doctors’s around here to chime in. We always hope to find something easily identifiable. I have no experience with Fasairum as mentioned by @SHSC-1 so I would be joining everyone for the lesson aswell. I will pull up a chair and follow along. @This1guy looks like you are doing a good job maybe old soil could contribute but I have not experienced that but my soil experience is not as extensive as others around here that will contribute I’m sure.

it might not be anything at all … but if in doubt… alkaline spray


I think you may be right …Arriba


Thanks. So you were able to beat yours? Gonna give alkaline spray a shot. Clones basically just rooted, and could be a bit til I get some more beans, so might as well see if I cant some how turn this around.

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yes and no… I did have to cull some infected branches that weren’t caught in time
If it is fusarium, rapid yellowing of the infected branch or plant will follow unless corrected before it gets a real foothold.
I used the baking soda sprays while I hunted for other remedies. I was recommended to use a product that used to be called Serenade but in canada it was renamed to Natria. I think it is from Scotts. That worked really well once i had it in had. The second time I had it show up a couple years later, the Natria killed it but I also did defoliation of the lowers and inners to get more airflow through the plants.
Here is a pic of Fusarium spots. You can see the dying foilage and the discoloration on the stems which are the infection spots
If left untreated it turns into a gross black or brown moldy looking sore


I lost a 6ft tall Modified Grapes a couple years ago to that. You’re gonna have to dry your medium out as good as possible in between waterings. And I would do the baking soda spray and an alcohol
Mixture spray…directly to the brown area and lower branches


Yeah, im 99% sure its fusarium. Think Im just gonna cull them to protect my grow area as much as I can. Already figuring im gonna have alot of work cleaning and sterilizing every thing. If it was just mainly the branches, I try cutting them off, but its mainly on the stalk.

I looked into getting some giant knot weed extract, which is active ingredient in Serenade. Ill prob pick some up, but it seems to be more of a preventative than a cure. Will hopefully help fend of any spore that might be floating or laying around though.

Hoping the clones I took are still ok. They look fine, I put them in 70/30 coco starter pots today. Sterilized everything I used first, and dipped roots and lower stem in peroxide, so hopefully they’re good. First sign of it ill get rid of them.

In mean time, guess I better work on getting some new beans in case they dont work out.

Heh, Id like to at least get one grow in before the
one year anniversary of us going legal.


Isn’t that what causes Fusarium.

With sativas letting your pot get wet will kill root tips and the water feeds da Fusarium microbes root soup.

That would be my guess as well.
I’d rid myself of all that medium, bleach clean all it came in contact with, and reboot.