My cloning technology Lol

I will be getting ready to start clones. On two girls. ONI and @lefthandseeds .


I have one of each.


I’m testing something different, let’s see if it works.



Air layering?


I hope I can tell a little bit more today.

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I have 3 that are looking ready for in the am. Pictures are not clear enough. @lefthandseeds has one with rose buds. Male for sure. Got it move out of my grow area.

. I don’t have much of a cameraman I cut everything out a 45° angle I was going to cut the leaves but I’ve been having better luck not cutting leaves. Sometimes I don’t even use clone X. Just straight tapwater my Ph at 5.5. It will rise so I’ll have to check it daily maybe twice. I do kind of shave my sides a little bit. I do make sure that I let each clone sit in clone X for about 10 seconds. When I do my cuttings I’ll put a little bit in the water. I also put it on my coffee strainer when I do my cut. Everything you say is homemade except for the 5 gallon bucket. And the air pump I may add another stone. Sorry the pictures are not very clear.


You should recut the stems at the very end , befor placing them cuts in , will make it easier for cutting to uptake fluid and keep their turgor : )

I did. Also at a 45

Hanging in there. I have a female from @lefthandseeds i think she is to small right now. In another two weeks I’ll pull off of her. Even if she is in flowering mode. I will tag one up until the fourth week of flowering. I have done latter than that before. They rooted. I put them down for some reason. Bad gens I think.

Still hanging on. They look nice today.

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3 days. 10$ for the clone Machine. Spent more on the bucket.

image image the roots popped about a 1/4 of a inch. A few didn’t
I want to head and put them in dirt anyway after the water. They were under a little stress I got to find some pictures I’ll put them somewhere.image they’re pretty big now. One is kind of lagging but I think it’ll be OK.


@MoBilly @lefthandseeds @ReikoX its all about the P. Look how big. I reuse my soil from flowering plants for my start mix after solo cups. I’m broke. So I use what I can.


Not bad for a country boy.

I’m with you on that!


All clones. 4 ONI seeds and gold leaf I believe. Weed. The little one is small. But has a nice top. I’m happy. Now I got to clean. Tomorrow. Water with some kicking the chicken. Some oil for the sun. Yea !

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Thanks guys

so all my clones have made it. They looked so sad for a minute. One regular in there. I’ll move some to 2 and 3 gallon containers.