My first pic's on OG


These are both Grape Kush from Cali Connection. I also have some Blue Dream Haze and will try to get some better pic’s of them.They started as a remote grow that I panicked on and had to put outside.

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Welcome @Stonervet68.

That’s a nice looking gal there. How long ago did you move outside?

Nice avatar! Is that your pooch?

Stay hazed,

oh the fade on her looks amazing! makes me miss fall and looking at the nicely faded plant against a fall background!!

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Dootle bug is a tripod, yes?

We’ve got a little 3 legged guy, pardon my curiosity. Lol

Stay Hazed

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Now I feel like a weirdo! Hehe.

Isn’t it crazy how fast animals can remember the general layout of a room without sight? Those other senses are underrated sometimes.

Sorry to clutter your pic thread!

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Nice plant. How long till you chop? Rarely see anyone pull a third season.

I am kind of juggling here. I have two different strains going at the same time. I have grape Kush and I have Blue Dream Haze. The problem is the Blue Dream Haze is going to take a little longer to finish and I would like to make just one Harvest. So I will probably let the grape go a little longer and cut it at the same time I do the Blue Dream.

Hopefully being outside will bring them more in line. I don’t know though. Does it have the big Blue Dream wands? (big buds) If so watch out for evening and morning moisture. Especially being new outside.

Yes,the Dream is well on the way to fattening up nicely and making some big nuggs.I am lucky beyond belief with the moisture. We have been unseasonably dry and with mild temps.This grow has been a mistake covered with a blunder and wrapped in screw up,yet,out of character for my luck, it is going to deliver nicely for me,lol.The Dream smells unreal!

Good for you! It’s always nice to see the rainbow after you have been rained on. Pardon the moisture pun. Ha!Ha!

I use water, humic, fulvic, about tablespoon turbinado sugar for my flush. That came about through anecdotal evidence. I am not a scientist nor do i play one on t.v.

That’s in a five gallon bucket.

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I never tried it. I don’t know much about Fox Farms.

Is that for releasing salts from the media, or enzymes for breaking down carbon in the pots?

It incourage’s water movement. That sounds like sapponin’s, but they’re good the whole grow.

I am kind of experimenting with new stuff. Like instead of using just molasses I’m using a product called bembe from Fox Farms also. It actually says bushdoctor on the bottle but it kind of looks like a fox farm product bottle, but I’m not sure.

It is good to experiment for sure. I use different methods depending on mood. I made my own soil for five or six years. Top dressing, aloe, teas, the whole shabang. Now I have less room and time so i use biothrive as needed along with topdressing, aloe, silica, calmag, humic, fulvic, and sugar. Sugar is either turbinado or mollasses depending on magnesium needs.

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Nothing wrong with that. If you have aloe around it is simple and even in a healthy plant the b vitamins and sulfur help raise the brix which is always wanted.

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New pics.Blue Dream Haze


She sure is coloring nicely in the sun!