My fumbling attempts to produce bud

Well I haven’t done a grow journal before, I’m currently only growing one plant in flower atm. It’s an Uncle Fester’s Skunk #18 and about 2 weeks into flower expecting another 2 months. Funny think I had the plant outside sun is like 14/10 right now so I figured no problem and a little rain wouldn’t hurt. 2 weeks of healthy flower and all of a sudden it stalled and the tops started to bunch up so I brought them back inside 24/7 on the light but it didn’t help so I tossed them in the closet at 12/12 I have an Orange Grove growing outside with none of the advace to bud problems and an Acapulco Gold and a Do Si Pie growing outside and a GSC ready to uppot growing inside along with a blueberry auto and a GG auto as well pics to follow

These are all pics of the Uncle Fester’s


Hey there -

That’s a lot of light stresses you’ve got going on! Glad it’s on 12/12 now…

Excited to see the outdoor pics! :sunglasses:


Boy, you had 'em playing Musical Chairs on the Clock for awhile there!!! Good to see they’re in the “sweet spot”. Things should be looking up soon. Wishing you success, however delayed, Give 'em that TLC, all should be fine. Stay safe, take special care, and be well…mister :honeybee: :100: :pray: :heart_eyes: NOTE: I like to hang out in the far right corner…THANKS!!!


A couple of shots of the Orange Grove growing outside:

I’ll try to upload new shots every 5 days like on the 5th 10th etc.


I would like to watch. I hope to get a couple girls to grow this fall.

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Down for the ride, outdoor girls are looking good, some cool strains :v::v::v:

and I keep planting more seeds lol and getting more in the mail

Well I went to the local nursery to find some cal-mag didn’t spot any but ended up with a few plants lol. So I upotted them into a couple of the outdoor plants so the Acapulco Gold now has a Carolina Reaper growing with it as a companion plant. Anyone like hot sauce? I might have a few peppers left over! The Do SI Pie gets a green pepper to grow with


Fair warning…don’t handle that C.R., once growing, with your bare hands!!! Seriously, 2 Million+ Scovil Units is no joke, especially around kids. A couple of years, I grew all of the top 10 hottest peppers in the world. Some made the eyes water just smelling 'em, no joke. Happy growing, SS/BW…mister :honeybee: :100: :pray: :heart_eyes:


No joke! Haven’t had experience with the reaper on fingers specifically but about 12 years ago a girl I was kicking it with had me over one night and we made this spicy shrimp with ghost peppers , I believe it was from the Phillipines? But anyway we had cut up all the peppers and everything by hand and had forgotten the gloves…a few hours later we started fooling around and well I’ll spare the dirty bits but we discovered the exact reason why you wear gloves while cutting certain hot peppers. Was actually kinda pleasant once I realized what was going on, she however had ran from the room in panic and jumped in shower upstairs.

edit I think it may have been shrimp Tempe? Damn I really wanna remember what it was called now cuz I remember it was delicious


I hear ya…a few years ago, a College Fraternity had members doing a “Reaper Challenge”, seeing who could eat the MOST Peppers!!! Oh well, 3 or 4 ended up having Throat Surgery, impacted FOR LIFE!!! No thank you, I’ll grow, but NOT consume. SS/BW…mister :honeybee: :100: :pray: :heart_eyes:

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Yeah it blows me away on the level
of stupidity people go to sometimes with spicy foods/peppers. I mean I used to get stupid with it sometimes but haven’t with the reapers…I’m good on that though I do love spicy stuff still just not stupid levels of it. I have these for the days when I want something stronger than sirracha

For a while there people kept buying me those holiday 6 pack variety style ones(I still have most of them even to this day unopened) but I literally had to tell people to stop buying me them cuz at one point I had like 60+ bottles on shelves and filling a cupboard. It was(still is) ridiculous…though I was always stoked about the ones that had the chili or jalapeños with lime.

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Today’s shots from the garden first up the Uncle Fester’s follwed by a shot of the outside Orange Grove!

buds am stacking!!