MyrtleGrounds Virgin Grow Pics & Notes

I started with unknown (sativa) bagseeds.

The only thing I knew about growing cannabis was that it was legal to grow in my new home state.

That being said, this will recap the grow which started Oct 2020 and ended in Feb 2021.

Water soaked 24 hrs, germinated on p. towel, then dropped into rock wool cubes. I started with 7 seeds, placed under a cfl bulb. 18/6

I transplanted the only remaining plant into a 5 gallon bucket.

Fast forward to Dec 2020. I constructed a box out of a few fruit boxes. It was very primitive. I added two more cfl lights, some reflective covering, and placed it inside the box.

She proved to be female on Christmas day.
Dec 27 - Switched Lights to 12/12
And Happy New Year……

Background in last shot…… So, in the last picture, you can see I bought a tent…….

Too little too late, but I set up a tent 3x3x6 with some actual LED lights and an exhaust system with a carbon filter.

One uneducated decision after another, we learned.

I ended up cutting her down on Feb 9. It was probably too early, but I had issues with height and fungus gnats, and who knows what else.
After drying, it weighed 28 grams. Curing in a jar still, but the few nuggets I’ve sampled have been great.


Nothing better (usually) than that 1st smoke of a new harvest that you grew.
Stay in the moment and enjoy.
Eventually you’ll start thinking about things you could have done better or you read something cool on Overgrow you want to try out. Then you are planning the next grow. :sunglasses: :+1:

Enjoy the journey, you earned it



Maybe for most people. I seem to jump in with both feet under most circumstances. This one being no exception. Just ordered a second tent set up and popped 7 new seeds a few days ago. Life is too short and I’m getting too old. I’ve got a lot of learning to do. Glad I’m able to spend ample time learning, experimenting and having fun! I stumbled onto OG by sheer luck, but I have absorbed so much info… all you guys are amazing. It feels good to be surrounded my such wonderful folks.