Neat and cheap organic wetting agent trick with yucca

We all know yucca is an effective wetting agent and you don’t usually need nearly as much as comes packaged for that purpose.

Yucca dietary capsules are like $5 a bottle. Pop open a capsule in your spray bottle with your foliar feed or ipm stuff give it a shake, ph it(don’t know if this last parts necessary but it makes me feel better)and you are good to go.


Good trick thank you so much.

:green_heart: :seedling:

I didn’t know about this, think you.

Can get a 4 oz bag for 15.usd


Yeah, but I take the capsules to help with insulin resistance for my diabetes so why buy it twice. That it’s the perfect amount for a 32oz spray bottle is pretty convenient too.

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To see if enough yucca is in your mix , build it up slowly ,shaking water bottle or violently stir Rez each time after adding slightly more , when bubbles form and just about stay ,that is sign water tension in mix is now broken and good to go



Out of curiosity I just emptied a cap in my mouth. It was unpleasant I will stick to the capsules. Doesn’t take but one to foam things up nicely and doesn’t taste bad like the powder.

Wish mixed up fish/kelp spray kept longer though sucks mixing up a spray bottle and chucking half of it down the drain.

I’ve used this stuff in the past.

A tiny amount goes a pretty long way.

This is the one I use

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