Yucca Root Extract Surfactant

i have noticed that if my coco gets a little dry on top, it takes abit of effort to get everything to wet. ive started using Raw Yucca Root Extract to help break surface tension and i guess it helps the plant with stress. the package says to use 1/16tsp per 5 gallons, what the hell? and i have a hell of a time trying to get it to dissolve in room temp water, esp when all my other nutes are liquid base. well i decided to make it liquid base.

2oz pack of yucca root extract.

dissolved into 1500ml of hot RO water, not boiling. this stuff is tough to get it to go into solution.

final product, 1500ml of concentrate. to use, add 2ml per gallon. this makes 750 gallons of solution.


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