Yucca Extract (saponins) & how much is 2 much?

Yucca Extract

I use this to keep my soil from going hydrophobic. I mix up 1 gallon of water at a time & I’ve been using 1/8th to 1/16th teaspoon of this Yucca Extract per gallon every other watering.

Is there such a thing as too much & what would the signs be? Is it safe to use with seedlings? People with Yucca experience please weigh in! :+1:


1/8 tsp per gal sounds about right, you could probably go up to 1/4 tsp without issues. I’m sure there is a too much, but it would be impractical to use so much.


I have no access to yucca powder here,can I use aloe vera juice ?
How much?
Shit,I forgot,Sorry to the op for posting under his thread.I apologize a lot.

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