Nectar for the Gods - testing what improves flower quality

I was going to say i can help out with this experiment but i can not well i can but our results would be drastically different due to lighting and Environment and growing styles

I’m using 90% nectar products i got SLF which is a must and in my personal experience saw much improvement actually saw overfeeding after giving SLF i got the cultured biologix sample and one shot (Scott sent it to me for free to get my PPMS up before switching to flower)

But having the sample kit plus SLF 100 and Aphrodites you’re saying i should add in titans trawl?

I also don’t foliar feed i tried twice and had issues due to my PPMS in my soil being so low but lesson learned i love how much I’m learning about this line

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I think Titans Trawl would be especially good to add if you’re using another line of nutrients, because it will add lots of calcium and other good things from fishbone meal. Since you’re already using NFTG you have lots of calcium in each feeding, so another source is just a bonus. My local store is $12/qt in the store, or $10.50/qt if you order online. You only need it in flower, 5-10ml early, 15-20ml mid, 15-10ml late. OR you can use it with the HH and AE on flush days… (feed, feed, tea, feed, feed, flush). It’s fairly cheap and should last a while.

Jeez, it’s so easy to rationalize adding another bottle to the shelf…

I need to go back and watch the OCGFAM videos again and take notes when Scott says “but you don’t need this except for weeks 3-6 of flower”… (example). He has a lot of gems in there that blow past you if you’re not paying attention.

This is my feed schedule… I’m planning on reducing the bottle count if I can decide which ones to leave out (ie Mega Morpheus). The stuff at the bottom isn’t used with each feed and some are obsolete (ie MicrobeBrew, HydroGuard, Grow, MagPro)… I just put the amounts down there for reference when I do use them…

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I almost forgot @Beerus is a nectar user! He introduced me to nectar

But you got some cheap prices out by you my hydro stores cheapest bottle of nectar is 14? I think? for the quarts highest i saw was 25. I only been there like twice to get nectar products.

Thanks for sharing your schedule! I went off of the sample kit schedule minus bloom khaos i started full strength and someone mentioned i could be having problems because in their experience with the strain they are light feeders well that only made it worse because i had already conditioned the plant to want full strength nutes.

There was a video where Scott used me as an example i felt honored lol My slurry was coming out 6.5pH at 150ppm even tho i was feeding Full strength. i even doubled it to get my PPMs up but were only raised to 250ppm after the double strength I let Scott know what was up and that i wanted to switch he said no way the plant is only going to get hungrier as it flowers he send me a free 1 lb sample of one shot told me to throw in about a 1/4th the bag i added too much had more nitro in the soil than i wanted he said to take out Medusa and Athena’s because we don’t want anymore nitrogen.

I also used cultured biologix instant teas till i got the one shot. I said i wanna boost flavor and aroma and the first thing he recommended was Aphrodites then Titans


Bill Burns on the NFTG Growers Group has some great feed schedules. I think he’s one of the most experienced Nectar users in the group and an author of the NFTG Growers Bible.

I’m still not really sold on the slurry test theory. I’m more of a fan of taking readings from the runoff… in particular the pH. I don’t remember if I compared runoff/slurry readings on the last Nectar run. At any rate, I tried to feed enough to keep them happy without wasting too much by overfeeding. I’ve never seen a burn by overfeeding NFTG products.

I used the cultured biologix teas also, but it was probably overkill since I was already using products from a Microbe Life sample kit. There were plenty of microbes in the soil… so I don’t know if the cultured biologix made any difference but helps to give you a microbe rich tea. I would think you can use their teas in addition to using one shot…

Scott may have been the source of my information about AE and TT helping to enhance the aroma and flavors… but he’s the expert and very honest about his opinions and recommendations, so it must be true. :smile:


I actually compared slurry and run off i took a slurry then watered till run off tested both.

Slurry i was at 6.5pH and 200 ppm?
Run off was 6.2 pH and 1600 ppm?

Maybe the pH was the same but the PPM were drastically different it’s in my grow diary id have to go back and look at it but it sold me on slurry over run off.

I also think bottom line as long as you’re consistent on using the same test you won’t have a problem. Just know that when you’re doing run off you’re pushing out whatever the plant didn’t use. This Is how Scott explained it to me and someone else in my diary. And i know Scott also said that the first 2 3 inches of soil are feeder roots where majority of your nutes will be taken in from the plant.

This is also why i decided to opt out of heavy flushes and just fed herc SLF and AE till the last week then it was herc to bring down my pH of the water if i got run off cool if i didn’t NBD. But because if excess is getting pushed down and not really being taken in what’s the point of flushing it all out. It was an experiment for me haha


The Kraken smells like straight up shit. Good stuff though. Glad to see I’m not the only NFTG fanboy around here :slight_smile:


This is the thread!



So my first grow with nectar i got a sample pack of cultured biologix instant teas. I know i want microbes i did the feed feed tea feed feed …feed feed tea lol so i skipped the flush because i had no reserves due to me not knowing nectar #4 soil was extremely gentle meaning i had to feed probably a few days after sprout.

ANYWAY next run comin up I’m going to put about a tsp of one shot in the solo cup so i don’t have to start feeding right away meaning I’ll be ok with reserves and everything should be fine and dandy. I’ll be doing the feed feed tea feed feed flush but say i have enough nitrogen and since the instant veg tea is nitrogen fixed microbes is there another product that’s live microbes to add in instead of the instant tea?


You could always brew your own if you have the time to mess around with it…

From the Nectar Growers Bible:
If using an efficient tea maker and good quality compost will result in a microbial population perfect for growing with Nectar.
Basic, Starting-point, Bacterial Compost Tea (5 gal)

  • 5 Gal bucket filled with 4 gallons of water to allow for foaming
  • 1.5 cups of Worm Castings or high quality compost in a 400 micron bag.
  • 2.5 ounce unsulfured Blackstrap Molasses
    Brew for 24-36 Hours and no longer than 48 hours at ambient temperatures between 60 and 80
    degrees F for optimal results. Use as is, or for additional benefits, at the end of the brew cycle, you can add one or more microbial/ beneficial products.
    (ie Photo+, MegaPhos, Armory, Nytrix, or some homemade LABS, and some slaps for encouragement…)

I got the sample kit from Microbe Life and use a little of one of the products for a brew cycle. Just read the back and pick one that has a bunch of microbes listed… it will add good microbes to the tea :slight_smile:
“The NFTG Bible” has a bunch of Tea and Foliar Feed recipes.


Yeah that’s always an option but i would have to get the supplies to brew and i don’t wanna do that just yet plus i can’t afford it :x so i was wondering if there was an bottled tea or bottled microbes i could put in instead of having to do all that haha


I use a plain 5 gallon bucket with an air stone for the brewer.
Grab a nylon, sock, or fruit (jelly) strainer and put some good soil, EWC, or compost in it and hang it in the bucket. For more microbes, make an uncovered rice wash overnight and add to the bucket.
Add the molasses to the bucket and bubble overnight… that’s the cheapest way I know of. If I add LABS I do it after brewing and right before application so it doesn’t compete with the other microbes.

I’ve seen a test that compares the biological content of many of the supposed microbe products and many of them do not live up to their claims. Probably Photo+ from Microbe Life is one of the better ones at $16.95/pt on their web site. It’s a favorite and standard for folks in the NFTG growers group.

Try going to and request a sample kit. $14.99 for shipping. You can try their options or do some more research and find something that you like better.


Hmmm so I’d just have to get a 5 gallon bucket and air stone.

Guess i should look into that then haha i guess my issue would be where could i set it to brew and bubble :thinking::thinking::thinking: this is ahead of my plans haha i set myself small goals for grows for i get easily discouraged

My first was to grow a plant: check
Second was to harvest a plant: check
3rd was to have a plant with minimal problems: check
4th was about drying: saw my flaws and fixed for round 5
So round 5 my goal was to figure out how to use nectar for the gods nute line. Back tracking but i wasn’t happy with my synthetic line and saw a nectar grow and i said i want that

I’m thinking 7th run i get into teas because i need to work on my cure what’s the point of doing all this work and brewing tea if i can’t get a good tasting plant for me personally ruins the whole experience. If i don’t like the taste i won’t smoke it. Maybe I’m a bit of a flavor snob but hey it’s what i like lol

Kinda looked into a rice wash for brewing and yeah that’s a whole other language I’m going to have to learn. And i will learn it! I gotta be careful not to overwhelm myself and get shit mixed up haha


Bob posted this video yesterday and i thought this thread

Then i watched it lol :joy: i love the videos and everything but that was just underwhelming

So if you don’t watch it he said you just kinda push everything up in your regime then said but you can take it a step further by pushing HH then even further with BK because it makes the plant take up more HH

What about the other products hahaha i guess that’s why i love the videos yeah they’re promoting Nectar but they’re not saying “You need every bottle in this line” and covering how you can push harder with just the basics

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Hey @Jaybeezy23,
Actually I thought his video was good. If you’re bumping up the feed level you can look at the feed schedule and bump everything up a little whichever schedule you’re on. If they’re that hungry and driving down the slurry test ppms, it seems ok to give them more of the same until the slurry numbers come up ;).

Once the slurry ppm comes up I’d drop the feed numbers a bit - you’re feeding more than they’re eating. Going up to 60mls with Herculean Harvest isn’t uncommon but any more probably won’t change anything except give you a thicker bone-gum cake on the surface of the soil.

RoastBeef is one of the regular viewers who has great suggestions in the comments :slight_smile:


Yeah it’s a good video they’re always good! Haha i just thought he would go into the line more haha

I was using 90ml HH and 10ml of BK :joy:

Along with the sample regime minus Medusa and Athena’s because i added too much one shot i was getting nitrogen tox dark green and clawing with some burnt tips

I know it’s not easy to burn plants with nectar but…i did and i think it was a combo of the one shot and then getting SLF for last 7 weeks released everything in the soil that was locked up not to mention the EZ tea veg i was adding in the beginning. Scott seemed to agree with that theory. And next run will be much better that i kinda know what I’m doing

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I haven’t done much with One Shot, but I’d think you want to use one or the other… I.E. if you’re using One Shot, minimize or eliminate the bottles?


I just watched today’s video…
It’s always good to see Bob’s videos, but this one wasn’t much help to me either…

Gotta keep watching for the gems mixed in there :slight_smile:


He sent me a free sample told me to keep feeding and to add about a quarter bag he was trying to get my soil reserves up to start flowering


This may be a dead thread but I am using NFTG - just joined this forum. I love the line - this is my first ALL Nectar run - last run I switched nutes in early flower to Nectar and loved the results (my sample kit arrived at that time). The results were very satisfying and as everyone has experienced I have now bought every bottle they make - I am looking forward to seeing what the whole run will provide - I had some early trouble with a couple of my seedlings as I was giving them foliar BK but my Herc was diluted and not giving a them all the calcium I thought they should have had. IT is corrected now and they are looking good.
I will post some pics later.

Just seen this thread now guys… By any chance, does anyone know if this line is organic? Or if they carry an organic line?

Thanks in advance everyone…



Its organic derived but due to the use of inorganic preservatives its not 100 percent organic or listed as such. I still have a shit ton of bottles. For what its worth, I was not impressed with the line. Its not bad. But, its nothing special. I have had better results with cheaper simpler lines.