Nectar for the Gods - testing what improves flower quality

I’m a great fan of Nectar for the Gods products and have used almost all of them. The resulting flowers are swollen, fat, sticky, fuzzy on the top and bottom of the sugar leaves, and just plain bulkier than the flowers on plants that I’ve grown with synthetic nutes.

However, I haven’t tried any test runs to compare the results of Spartan, Greek, and Roman feed schedules. According to Scott Ostrander at Oregon’s Only, you can grow really nice plants with just Gaia Mania; or add some Herculean Harvest for the “Nectar flush”. Apparently the wide variety of products were the result of customer requests for particular things… He would be the first to tell you that you don’t need all of those bottles to have a successful grow, and would advise adding 1 bottle at a time to each grow and document the results to see if it improves flower quality.

Has anyone here done testing to compare results of the various regimens/products?


Did you notice any improvements on subject ?

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I did not try a run yet with just the basic 4.
I got their Sample Kit, which contains:
Medusa’s Magic
Gaia Mania
Zeus Juice
Herculean Harvest
Athena’s Aminas
Demeter’s Destiny
SLF100 (sample bottle)

I added more bottles from the local grow shop and ended up with almost all of them. Instead of trying the basic (first 4 bottles on the list) I worked on figuring out a good feeding schedule using all of the bottles that I had on the shelf, plus some extras I had around like Mammoth P and Photo+.

I’m getting ready to start a new Nectar grow and need to restock some of the bottles, so I’m wondering if anyone has put more of their efforts into determining which bottles really add a lot to the finished product.

Also, has anyone had their Kraken bottle start smelling bad? Is it just that the peppermint has evaporated, or are there organic contents that can actually go bad?

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Show me you’re recyclable plastic containers.


How will that help you to contribute to this thread?
You haven’t seen a plastic bottle before?

EDIT: Sorry @Schroomgod. :confused:
I thought you being sarcastic towards a “bottled nute user”.

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Nah I’m saying you’re “Nectar for the Gods” is something to brag about.

Think @Jaybeezy23 is a NotG fan. Fan of Scott Ostrander too. IIRC.


Got that right! Lmao Scott’s a cool dude

@MichiGreen i feel we’re the only ones :frowning:
Do you watch the OCG fam show on YouTube? Lots of valuable info

But i only got the sample kit last year and did my first run this April and just finished up a few weeks ago and I’ll say just the sample kit plus SLF 100 And i went ahead and got Aphrodites extraction so running the sample line i noticed fatter buds and after i got in the swing of things she was the healthiest happiest plant i think I’ve grown I’ve never had a plant pray as hard as she did. So i don’t know much about the whole line but was thinking about adding tritons trawl next run.

A thread with NFTG i got excited :laughing:


Oh yeah. October of 2018 there were only 1700 subscribers to the Oregon’s Constant Gardener channel, and they’re up to 4220 today. Bob has been doing a great job with the show!

Aphrodite’s Extraction is one that I’m wondering about. It’s really just a source of readily available carbs for the soil… great to use with Herculean Harvest for flushes. But, can I do something similar for the soil with Korean Natural Farming? Potatoes in the tea to make carbs? Rice wash? Lentils wash? I dunno…

Triton’s Trawl… I love the smell of that stuff! Great for another source of calcium, but do you really need it if you’re using 30+ml/gal of Herculean Harvest? Hmmm… I’m thinking yes… it’s one of their less expensive bottles @$10.80/qt locally. 10-20ml/gal through flower can add lots of flavor and aroma?

I’ve read the NFTG Grower’s Bible V5.2 front to back and really like the products, but it gets expensive to run the full lineup. That’s why I started this topic… I didn’t see much discussion about NFTG here, and wondered if anyone has pursued which products contribute the most to those fat, aromatic buds! I’m also in the NFTG Growers group, but really don’t want to login to Facebook for access. (don’t like FB).

Anyway, here we go. Maybe there are some quiet NFTG users here who can help us…


I’ve kinda wondered the same but i wanted to get the sample kit down before i got into the rest of the line because Tbh before nectar i was like what’s a microbe

But i started adding Aphrodites mid flower and i feel like when i harvested there was a sweetness i smelled that i didn’t smell before was it a Product of Aphrodites or fully developed terps I’m not sure. Someone that grows the same strain over and over is going to know exactly what’s what i feel if they experimented with nectar.

I know bloom khaos is suppose to fatten buds because it’s “the driving force” of nectar right? It seems you’re gna know way more than me i didn’t read the growers guide i watched Bob to get me started then came here for help and ended up e mailing Scott cuz everyone is all about no till here which is cool but i like to act like a scientist mixing nutes :rofl: and want full control of my soil and nutes


I think the Aphrodites adds the sugars that the microbes need so they don’t keep “signalling” the plant for more… leaving a higher brix in the plant material. That’s my theory, anyway.

I don’t know what’s in the Bloom Khaos, and they’re not gonna tell you :wink:
The deal with that is to make sure that you have a load of calcium in the rhizosphere because the BK is going to induce calcium uptake. If there’s not enough calcium bad things happen to the plant after using BK. Some people alternate daily foliar feeds with Kraken (for calcium) and BK.

Some products in the lineup like Pegasus, Persephone’s, Poseidonzime, and Hygeia I haven’t tried yet because I have other sources for what they do or didn’t see a need for their particular supplement. I know they have strange names… I sometimes go back to their website to read the descriptions.


My advice is to say figure out how few of the bottles you can run and get a nice crop, it’s pricey as hell.
I ran it for a few months and like you said the plants love it.
For the sugars for example, go to the store and buy yourself Black Strap Molasses. Grab some dry kelp to replace the Zeus Juice.
If you can get by with MedUSA’s Magic and Gaia Mania, and source what you want elsewhere you would be set and save a load of money.
SLF100 is a must have…


I think bottom line you grow 4 of the same plants and do 1 each regime Greek sample Roman and spartan and see what’s up and go from there

My understanding of Aphrodites was that is readily available molasses so the plant takes up those sugars right away but you’re saying it’s just a Microbial food?


I’ll have to arrange 4 nearly identical clones from the same mom to run in the 4x4 tent to do a side-by-side runoff. I can try just Medusa and Gaia in one (like @avr1 suggests), Greek in one, MY own schedule blend in one, and Roman in the last. It sounds like a LOT of work and a LOT of mixing. I’ll have to take another look at Bob’s “comprehensive feed schedule” to see how that compares to the others. And I agree with @Avr1 that SLF100 is a worthwhile addition.

Aphrodites has (looking at the website) sucrose, fructose, and phosphate. According to Scott these are much easier for the microbes to digest than molasses and suggests molasses only for “tea days”. The Aphrodites is especially meant to replace the carbon and sugars in the soil when you do a flush so the microbes still have a food source around them. As I understand it, @Jaybeezy23, plants don’t uptake sugars… they manufacture sugars. When the microbes need carbs they produce signal molecules that cause the plant to send sugars to the microbes to feed them, and in return the microbes digest and provide nutrients to the plants. Anybody, feel free to correct me if I got that wrong… :slight_smile: AND, this is referring to growing in real soil, and not soil-less media. Soil-less is another whole topic that is mostly new to me.

In order to save the expense of buying all of the bottles, I’m thinking that @avr1’s and Scott O’s suggestions are the best place to start. Get some fresh Medusa and Gaia (already have HH gallon) and do a run in some FFOF soil and check out the results. If I can get that going soon I’ll post the progress here to share with all of the Nectar fans and potential future Nectar users.

Thanks for your input! We’re always open to suggests from growers about ways to have a successful garden…!


I like the way you think @avr1:thinking:
Have you tried the powdered Fulvic Acid supplement as a chelator?
I’m thinking of going very basic like you say, but adding the fulvic as a drench and foliar feed to see what happens.
Here I go changing too many things and screwing up the experimental reasons for some of these grows…
I need to be more patient with these things.

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Yes I have, can’t say if there was a noticeable difference or not though.
The SLF100 breaks down that stuff to make it usable for the plants, among other things
Kelp is the one thing that really shines in my experiments. Buy dry kelp, mix it up in distilled water and use as you like. Zeus Juice is NftG’s version of kelp
Kelp4less has the dry goods and recipes to mix them up in water


I’m a regular user of Kelp on tea days, and sometimes throw a 1/4 tsp of dry kelp into the bucket just as some additional “good stuff” for the mix. I started growing watching @CaliGreen on YT, who grows organically in his own supersoil mix and uses seaweed extract and URB a lot, “pH’ed to 6.5”… he’s still on there.

@VaderOG, @NVClosetmedgrower, and @GratefulGrower also have really good tutorial videos for beginners. Those were the ones I watched the most to learn the basics. There are so many growers who gave a lot of their time to document and create content to help other growers learn from their experience. Many thanks to all of them!!

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Something I found posted by Usmcjojo on another forum… he uses NFTG exclusively.

> Nectar is designed to force calcium into the plant so you’re getting the fullness from the calcium but you’re not getting the stretch that you get from ammonia based nitrates. Your soil must be rich in beni microbes which nectar works well with because the microbes don’t have to break down the nutrients to eat. Nectar is already digested so the microbes feed the plant faster thus finish faster and taste better. You wont get a record setting yield but the taste and resin production is going to be out of this world. @ xxxxx if you have any nectar questions let me know I use them exclusively. If you really want to bring out the best you need to add aphrodites extraction, kraken, and tritons trawl. the aphrodites feeds the microbes and puts carbs and sugars in your plants, the kraken is a silica equivalent that you can not over do it will make your stalks thick and strong, the triton is a fish bone meal that wont leave the fish taste but it will bring out hues,smell, taste and oil production. those are the only additives to the line that you must have.

Just another POV that seems to match up with what I was thinking…

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You’re probably right haha I’ll be watching this thread for info on nectar for the gods! Like i said i just watched bob and asked Scott some questions via email. I very much want to understand every bottle and know what it does and what’s in it. I get easily distracted and not having a computer for 12 years means I’m using my phone I’m not a tech savvy guy so looking things up on my phone seems to be challenging to me lol. I’m sure I’m not the only one who only uses a phone for this forum but shit


I’m surprised how few Nectar users there are here… :astonished:
NFTG seems to be the best way to bring out the most expression from the flowers and would be the 1st choice of connoisseurs.

For other growers who aren’t familiar; if you have a chance to visit a garden that was grown with NFTG, I hope it was done right and impresses you with the wonderful smells… you may decide to just add Tritons Trawl to your mid-flower feedings and see if it adds anything. OR, start using Herculean Harvest in the water on days when you flush - it’s supposed to capture excess salts and help to reset the soil.

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