Need help clones in rock wool

May not have been anything you did…some clones have internal stem damage, or embolize and don’t do well no matter what you do! It’s why I ALWAYS do 3 clones at a time - to get at least 1 decent keeper!

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Yeah I hear you.
I usually run extra also but these were purchased at a dispensary.
They are from purple city genetics.
But I was thinking of buying a few more but I really don’t even have room for these but I’m going to make some room lol.

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Just wanted to give an update.
Looks like she just might make it :grinning:
She’s baaaaaaaahhhck!!!
I went ahead and cut the gush mints also and placed her in coco also.
Didn’t want to waste anymore time.


When I started in rockwool, this friend told me, “It’s such a great medium; you can not over water, as it always hold the right enough oxygen in between, as it is rock that is spun like cotton candy.” I love growing in rockwool. Although it does dry out fast, you gotta keep an eye on it, and not let it get too dry.
Awesome recovery.


Did you buffer your rock wool? Easy to forget that step

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Yeah I hear you
I purchased 96 rock wool cubes about a week ago.
I think it’s time to get familiar with rockwool
But not ones that I have purchased :joy:

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Fantastic news! Glad to see the recovery. Were you saying above that the clone had been dropped? That could have definitely caused the issue. Anywho… forward, on to excellence!

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No these clones were purchased from a dispensary.
They were nice and wet when I purchased them.

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That’s cool. I prefer to grow clones and seedlings in the cubes that are at least 1" or about. The bigger the cube, the longer it takes to dry out.

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Just like to thank everyone once again for all your input.
Really really appreciate you all.:+1::+1:


I hope everyone is having a great weekend…
Update on the clones .
Last time I posted I had just cut the clones fresh and placed them in canna coco and back in to the propagator again well about 2-3 days ago I started to place them outside the dome and they are living life.
Funny thing is the gush mints I cut the stem up pretty high and there was a leaf growing out of it snd I figured I would keep watering her and see what happens.
Welp she is doing absolutely great and caught up to the other 2 already.
Just starting to water the Slurrty3 lightly.


Hope everyone had a great weekend
Just wanted to show an update on the clones I almost killed a couple of months ago but with help from OG
Look what we have now :grinning:


Thanks again

Wow, you are doing great :star_struck: Respect for pulling through! :100:

Pz :v:t2:

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Heres how I root in rockwool…