Need help clones in rock wool

Hello to all you wonderful folks here at OG
This is my first time ever using rock wool and for some reason it is not feeding me good lol.
So I have 2 clones I picked up about 13 days ago they have been doing great and finally started showing roots .
I have a fish mints and a slirrty3 from pcg and I watered them the night before with nutes because the rock wool was a bit dry as I did 3 days prior and when I checked on them in the morning the Slurrty3 is gone limp?
Don’t mind the coco all over the rock wool I placed it in a solo cup yesterday afternoon thinking maybe she needed to be potted but she stayed the same all day long so this morning I took her out of the solo cup and back into the propagator.
What happened?
The other clone is doing fine and is getting the exact treatment as the other clone.
The only thing I noticed was the Slurrty3 did have more roots coming out of the top.
Did I over water her?

Please help I’m pretty bummed :frowning:


Don’t let them dry out like that!!! Rockwool is made to hold the perfect amount of water. It will not oversaturate. Water more. It looks like the roots died off possibly.

You could try to mist the dying clone and put it under a dome. But I would start new


Agree, you need to keep you humidity high until the clones take off or the rockwool will dry out :v:t2:

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Do you think I might of killed the roots with the watering I gave them?
The Rockwell has not dried at all that’s why I’m kind of scratching my head?
I even watered again last night just in case and she still did. Not wake up this morning.

No the watering wouldn’t have hurt them. I’ve had a clone do this that wasn’t strong when sent to me. I could have babied it under a dome but that’s not what I paid for!

What’s your room humidity? Just a guess 50 or less.

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Rock wool should not sit in a puddle of water because as said before, it "hold’ the right Amount of water by itself.


No they are in a dome.
The picture taken is with out the top.
It was super healthy and just wilted over night.
It has been watered as much as the other and no issues with the other clone…
I will put the dome back on humidity sits at about 82-90*F

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Humidity that high would have moisture on the side of the dome as well as that coco on the bottom wouldn’t be so dried out. At least I don’t think.

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Usually when I have this problem it’s lack of watere/dried out /thirsty.
But I have watered her good so if she don’t bounce back by today tomorrow she might be taking a permanent nap :joy:.
I will put them in the dome and spray the inside also and hope she bounces back :crossed_fingers::crossed_fingers:

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It does look like either the rockwool cube dried out too much, rockwool can become hydrophobic if it dries out too much and would need a dunk to re-hydrate, or the cut could have a disease like pythium which is killing its roots. As you had watered three days before the cube should not have been dried out yet so it seems that the latter might be my guess. Of note, I only see what looks like one tiny root at the top of the cube so the plant feed water should only be ~200-300ppm at this young stage.


Mist her slightly as well. I hope she recovers for you. Good luck.


Ty all for your input
Hope for the best and expect the worst lol
Thank you everyone


Hold clone upside down and spray the bottoms of leaves as well as the tops.
I actually spray the cubes to keep them hydrated as well.


All sprayed and covered up .
We shall see if she is a soldier or not!!!


Just to pass on knowledge, If the cuts roots have dried out once there is a chance to get rot or mold on the old roots. If this happends you can just cut some fresh stem and start over :+1:t2:


The only thing I can think of is that something happened to the roots.
I have only clones in straight coco and have never had a problem.
I’m thinking I should just cut the main stem and start all over but in coco so I know exactly what to do lol.
Is this possible being that the clone is dropped?

I think she should have bounced back by now.
So I’m thinking of plan c if there is a chance she will survive.
I mean at this point what do I have to Lose.

Yeah its possible. I think she has a greater chance to survive with fresh stem to establish new healthy roots :+1:t2:

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Ok all done
I’m going to keep fingers and toes crossed and let’s hope by morning time she bounces back :crossed_fingers::crossed_fingers:

Just a quick anxious update
It’s bouncing back a bit :grinning:
Let’s see what she looks like in the morning.
Thanks again everyone for your input.
You guys and gals freaking rock .:+1::+1:

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