Need help setting up a perpetual harvest

Hey everybody so I need some help I’ve been growing now for a while and I’ve had my ups and downs but I have things locked in now and only need help figuring out a proper schedule for perpetual harvests here is a list of gear and set ups I use

Veg tent 4x4
400watt mh

Grow pots

1,2,5 gallon plastic pots

Grow medium is hp plus or black gold

Flower tent is a 6x4 with 2 1000watt led white spectrum lights

Flower 12/12
Veg 18/6

Any help would b great


day 1:cut clones, veg for a bit. 3-4 weeks seems appropriate for your space but this will vary from strain to strain. play around with it to get your timing down. one week or so before you flip them, take clones. when you flip, another round should be rooted and ready to take its place in veg. you will want your flowering space to be able to accommodate two groups of plants- when one group is at wk 4-5 (again depending on strain, adjust as necessary for longer flowering strains), the next should be making its entrance. a week or so before a group comes down, you will be back to step one, which is taking clones from your veg group. rinse and repeat. this rhythm will have you pulling down every four weeks or so


Yeah, what Nasty said, precise and to the point. You just got to get your clone timing down, that was the hardest part for me, so I always have back up clones in case one batch should fail for some reason.


I have my perpetual harvest set up to cut one plant a week. I run 9 plants in flower. Each Sunday I cut a plant after 9 weeks of flowering. I then add 1 plant from veg to the flower room. I move the plants one spot each week.

1 2 3
6 5 4
7 8 9

When #9 gets cut, everything moves one spot.


Having done perpetuals, going back to individual runs is just easier imo, as your plants are in the same stages of development, they feed the same, typically need the same maintenance as their sisters, and they fill your space equally vs having older plants tower and engulf over say the little ones, and always trying to find the balance of filling holes when plants decide they are done which may be longer or shorter than their sisters and having your vegging/seedling plants ready to go but they may not be ready or are past due themselves. Just so much easier doing runs…

… but otherwise it’s just pick the frequency that you “want” to harvest at and plan around it, typically your frequency is gonna be however long it takes you to get plants ready to go to flower whether from seed or clone, or it will be some divisible of that time, or what you can mange.