Aeroponics cycle timers settings

I have seen a lot of different suggestions on what the cycle timer should be, Run consistently for clones 24 hrs a day, Seen a general google response of something like 5 seconds on 5 minutes off. Does anyone have a suggestion as I rebuilt my sprayer system better after 20 years and just don’t remember what i used to run it at. I can clone and flower so if anyone has suggestions for both thats great. Thanks in advance.

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I run 24 for clone. 24 for veg 12/12 for flower. Been doing it this way for years. Works great. O moms also 24.


Depends how much pressure your running, mist or spray. If you’re doing high pressure it’s just a 1/2 sec shot once every 3 min or so. I’m running low pressure and go about 10 sec every 10 min. Same for cloner.
Low pressure is a little more forgiving. As long as the roots get wet you’re good extra is ok. High pressure fine mist your just wetting enough to keep the roots alive and growing. Makes them very fine. Too much and you get longer thicker roots too little you have dead roots.


Thanks Turpman that is pretty much what i am looking for. i was going to do 10 seconds every 5-7 minutes but i felt like they were being feed constantly. So 10 minutes should be a good down time between feedings. Thanks.

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Last few runs in my aero cloner have been 20/4 light schedule, pH 5.5-5.8 and sprayer on 15 every hour for the 24 hr cycle.
I don’t use a hood on my aero cloner so they harden off from the start. This can be stressful as well. Adding water as needed every few days to keep the pump submerged.

100% root growth max 10 days, but imo depends on strain & environment.

I used Dip n Grow last go but used the RX Green solution liquid based w/ great success previously.

Here’s one of the clone to kill cuts from one of my moms of TK x Iraq Ranya from Bodhi after 11 days.

Here’s Tickle Burger from this time last year ran in RX GS after 13 days. Ph around 6.0-6.2 per manufacturers suggestion worked well.

Temperature range in tent 70-80° F with rH 70% ish.

I have also used an air stone in conjunction with the normal sprayer before. Didn’t hurt but i have not gone back to that.


I recommend a chiller to keep the water cold in your system to avoid bacteria and algae growth. It was an absolute game changer for me


Is that on 15 seconds once an hour? You just said on 15 i just wanted to clarify, as those look like great clones.

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Gracias :blush:

Minutes I meant.

Fwiw working in commercial MJ helped me hone certain skills. The first big grow I worked at I was fortunate to be placed on a clone team, so I got plenty of action cutting over 30+ strains every two weeks placing over 600-800 each cut.
I put my plants through the ringer as well.

Keep It Simple Stoner and you’ll be good.


Everyone is gonna have different methods I feel like. I know that if your running your cloner 24/7 your not gonna get as good of results as having it turn off and back on and ive proven this by experimenting and learning on my own. I’d also like to add you risk root and stem rot with your cloner on 24/7. I wasnt gonna buy a fancy timer for the increments less than 30 minutes. I have my cloner set in 30 minute increments on 30 off 30 all day. Light is a hlg 65 set a minimum intensity and I have the exhaust fan set to go off when the humidity gets too high and not constanting exchanging air so I can keep my environment at 80 rh and 80 °F. With this method and the use of clonex and KLN dyna grow ive been seeing roots as early as a week in the cloner


The pump actually heats up the water so that’s something to consider.


What is a good target for reservoir temp?

I’ve ran the same water for a month with no issues at 80/80 rh and temp. I think it’s all dependent on if your using tap or ro and what your nutrients your putting in contain. I used to use drip clean and clear rez but saw no difference in cleanliness. I will clean out in between runs with bleach soap water dilute and let the pump run for 15 min and then wash it out with clean water for another 5 minutes but ive never seen any issues from the water temp being too high or water being dirty. I dont check res temps or ppm I try to keep things simple. I’m in a clone king 36 site aeroponic cloner

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It depends on the device that you’re using and the environment. Device as in if it’s a metal or plastic container etc etc

Btw i Ph my aero cloner water fwiw. Tap water in Denver is 8.0 out of the spigot and with no buffer like soil or other medium I rather not risk it.


I keep the water temp 65-70F Everyone has a different opinion but that’s what works best for me after 30 years of trial and error. If you’ve never regulated your water temp I recommend trying it. Used chillers are cheap and easy to set up.

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How many cycles have you run so far in the cloner? I noticed after about 6 months to a year of continuous use in higher temperatures algae and rot will creep into the systems

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I’ve had the cloner for about 2 years now but I don’t run it longer than a month at a time. Really most times it’s used for a week or 2 then cleaned and put away till needed again. Never had any issues of algae and rot but ive never used it like that before. I’ve used this thing probably 20x in the past few years but always short runs and sterilized after with bleach soap water dilute