Tent Permuations with Repititions

Fancy title for what to do with three tents given three options for each tent, either 24hr light, veg, or flower. (Two are 4x4s and one is a 2.7x2.7)

There are mathematically 27 possible permutations with repetitions, although running three 24hr light cycle tents might be a bit much, lol.

How do you like to keep things flowing? Let each tent run their own little changing environment, or keep a dedicated veg/flower?

Also, just for fun, let’s add in a fourth lighting combo – let it be called Gas (gaslighting schedule). Now we have 64 possible permutations :nerd_face:.

24 if you don’t have repetitions and count the four possible options (three flower tents doesn’t make sense, etc).


I’m stoked to see where your curiosity takes you!

I like to have a tent available for drying :partying_face:


A dry tent!! I’ll have to work out different math, lol.

Really though the math is more for fun. I imagine I’ll always have a veg tent. But, the question more comes to style — a dedicated veg/flower or each tent for themselves.


I think it all comes down to your consumption needs and where you want to take your hobby. It’s a tough question honestly.

With that said, I’m obsessive and I’d be running a perpetual grow if I could. Whether that be for ganja or seed.

1 tent for veg, 1 for bloom, and one for clones and seedlings.

Ahh to be slave to the grid again… :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::potted_plant:


I am crazy so i just use them as tools: as needed for my ridiculous number of plants
Seed run tent, mother tent, flower tent, clone tent, empty tent, quarantine tent, you name it
Havent done drying yet but i do need more tents


Only stipulation is lights on 7pm to 7am for 12h, extend for 18h. Off peak usage.

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Are you going to be growing auto flower plants? Or regular photoperiod plants?

If the latter, Do you want to keep mother plants to take clones from for your next flowering run or will you start from seed for each new run?

If you plan to keep photoperiod plants, then the obvious choice is to keep a veg tent and a bloom tent.

If running auto flowers or starting from seed every new run, it doesn’t matter as much. If you’re doing auto flowers, I’d use each seperate tent to veg and flower in (instead of dedicating one to veg and one to flower)

I don’t really use tents but I do have separate rooms for veg and flower. I like to try to keep the flower room running as consistently as I can and use the veg room to keep my mother plants going (anything special I find from sprouting seeds) and also get the plants ready for flower. So the flower room is dedicated to flower.

I don’t grow any auto flower plants though. If I find something really good when hunting through seeds, I want to be able to keep a mother plant of it and grow it again as many times as I want.


I should also mention i also keep plants outside tents! I over loaded a set of plastic modular shelves with plants and supplies on top, it tipped over when a train came by! I had to screw that to the wall.

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Similar to what I run… I use a 3x3 for veg then 2 4x4s for flower… i have shelving system with low power led lights to clone and veg in 3x3 then repot into 4x4s… some folks just hang the harvest in the flower rooms with the lights off for drying to avoid dedicating a space for it…

Let us know what you end up with…


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I gave up all my old tents, when we did a house remodeling a few years ago now.
I did buy a tent to hold my genetics I did NOT want to loose, while said construction took place over a 3 month period, in another area of the house.
I used that time to scrap/sand/prime/paint all the basement walls, where I grow at.
Since I had a tight budget, I opted to buy up on my LED’s, then ditch new tents, to hang panda film.
A veg area, where germination, cloning, takes place, on a 20/4 timer schedule, until they are in one gallon pots.
The tent, a 4’ x 4’ x 6’ is now a dedicated 18/6 tent, then move them into 3 gallon pots
That tent then feeds the 2 - separate flower areas, as more a perpetual flowering area. Each area has it’s own timer, off set form each other, to spread out the electrical usage.
For us, it becomes a beautiful cycle, of seed to buds, or clones to buds, with plenty of area, to rebound from a Oh Shit, that’s bad happens to growers once in a while.


Seems like some good options!

I plan on mostly running photo-regular plants. I currently have a mix of feminized, autoflower, and photo reg going — lol.

I’m liking the idea of a dedicated veg/bloom tent for the two 4x4s. Then having the third tent be a clone/mother/veg tent. I also like the idea of each 4x4 running a different cultivar and changing from veg/bloom/dry and then resetting. Hmpf. Choices! Honestly I’ll just be happy to have some fresh grown cannabis to smoke!

I didn’t even think that I could veg in a smaller space before flower (the 3x3) if they’re going into a bigger tent — didn’t logically make sense to me. Still kind of doesn’t? I guess if the plant is growing along the way or getting a bigger home (up-potting) in the 4x4 I could see it.

I think I’ll end up with plants outside of tents as well. I already have two sprouters going with some (hopefully alive) clones and some seedlings.

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The plants will double/triple in size during the first two weeks of flower - final stretch
I used to veg in my 2’x2’ and then flower in my 3’x3’.

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If you are
Not trying to make seeds, I would stage them, seedlings and or clones in the small tent, and then a veg room and a flower room,

That is most likely what I’ll be doing for now, although I do plan some breeding projects!

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