Cloning question

I flipped my tent to flower for 1 plant 2 days ago. While trimming fan leaves I clipped what looked to be a nice clone. So I put some cloneX on it and put her in some moist dirt. I know I should use Rockwool but don’t have any. My question is I turned the lights back to 18/6 for flower time for the clone to get enuf light time will that affect the plant that I was going to flower? If the clone roots great if not I’ll turn the lights back to 12/12 and finish the flower time.


2 days on 12/12 isn’t enough to get them fully into flower mode. It’s basically gonna stay in veg, and in about two weeks the preflowers will be slightly bigger than normal. @ReikoX uses this exact technique for sexing, actually, because it’s so stress-free while still increasing the preflower size enough that you can usually tell what they are. 3 days is also relatively stress-free. In my experience, at 4 days you start stressing them out a bit and 5 they’re gonna flower enough to need a bit of reveg time.


Is that the donor, on the left? I do what @Cormoran mentioned, but @ReikoX suggests doing it at around 6 nodes, IIRC :slight_smile:

I’ll be interested in your outcome, hope you keep posting about it, and good luck!


If you’re saying you flipped the whole tent back to veg, I wouldn’t do that if you have another option. You could root the clone in a ziplock bag under the light in your bathroom if you had to. As @Cormoran said, you wouldn’t really need to worry about flipping it back to veg because it’s still there.


Like Upstate said, your plant won’t flower under 18/6. If you want to flower the donor plant, you need to remove the clone and go back to 12/12, if you want your donor plant to veg until the clone is rooted in 10-14 days, continue 18/6.

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Leaving the plants in 12/12 for only 2 days Will help with sexing them Better?

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@Andrexl 2-3 days of 12/12 and then returning to veg lighting sometimes caddies the plants to reveal their sex without fully flowering. So you can chill or separate males, but continue flowering for a few more weeks