Need help with IDing issue

Hi guys, growing outdoor here in Central America and have a new issue I haven’t come across before. I feel it may be a slight calcium toxicity, I reamended my soil from my last run and added more calcium carbonate, rock dust and worm castings to my current pots. Due to the natural 12/12 light cycle here I do short runs, I harvest every 8 weeks so I feel the last run may have used little to none of the calcium in the original mix and reamending was a mistake and overloaded the Cal levels. I feed basically just water with some natural farming techniques so nute burn from over feeding seems impossible plus the one gallon pots that weren’t reamended have shown no signs of the symptoms so that narrows it down to the soil mix in my opinion. I’ll add some photos, thanks in advance to who ever chimes in


Overdoing the Cal will cause Nutrient Lockout, recommend you flush and don’t feed for about a week, see if it clears, All the best to you, continue to stay safe, take special care and, indeed, be well…mister :100: :pray:


Hi misterbee, yes this I am aware of this so being very wary of that and this is why I’m looking to clarify the issue. When the soil is amended with calcium unfortunately a flush won’t always have instant results. Do you agree it looks like Cal toxicity from the photos?


Indeed, Cal toxicity also causes lockout of other required nutrients. That’s why the “flush” is so important. New growth will indicate if MORE flushing is required OR MORE Nitrogen (High Nit Bat Guano, etc). You’ll prevail, I’m sure. SS/BW…mister :honeybee: :100: :pray: :heart_eyes:

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Hi Ian, I suspect some bug activity (thrips maybe hum|nullxnull ?), those patterns are familiar to me, check the back of the leave with a scope … :sunglasses:


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Hi George, no not thrips. I grow in the jungle so I have regular visits from spider mites but they get eaten by predatory insects in a day or two. So any bite marks are from those little fuckers

Thanks Ian, sure I thought about them too but didn’t want to sound very catastrophist :sweat_smile:, glad you have some help to bust them … beer3|nullxnull



Without getting a soil test done, this would be a quick way to check your calcium carbonate levels:

I agree a flush will not take calcium carbonate out of the soil.