I can't seem to figure out what to do here

Can someone help me diagnose my plant? There are a lot of yellow lines in between veins on the upper leaves and the leaves seem sad half the time. I’m unsure of what to do!



Salute Family…I dont have an answer for U BUT…My suggestion is, give the Members a Wider Scope of Ur Circumstances…What’s Ur Environment, Indoor/ Outdoor…What Ur soil mix consists of…What U feeding her etc…Also maybe some photos that show a Broaderview view of the plant.That will help U get some answers…Also dont panic or try a bunch of solutions immediately, all at 1ce…Let the discussion Unfold & Ur Answer should come to light :muscle:t5::muscle:t5::muscle:t5:


The yellowing is magnesium Def. Why? Not enough, wrong ph, lockout… any or all of the above.


I’d agree with this :arrow_up:

Check your input/runoff pH, try some Epsom salt in your next watering, and wait.

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Could be, but the curved pattern and the fact it happens in new growth doesn’t match, lower leaves are fine icon_e_confused|nullxnull, looks more like a sucession of tiny spots, mites maybe?


Thank you.
Right now I’m using foxfarm ocean forest indoor.
Could it be Calcium or magnesium toxicity? This happened right after I gave her Calmag


I’ve checked for any pests but I can’t find any. Hmm


If she’s experiencing a nutrient lockout could it be Cal/Mag toxicity? This started happening right after I gave her Calmag.

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Just trim a suspicious leaf and inspect with a scope, never saw that deficiency expression on new growth, Iron and Zinc doesn’t look like that and Magnesium shows interveníal chlorosis but lower in the plant …


I just inspected it, I can’t find anything, could it be just a sign of general stress?

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To me they look like plants that aren’t getting enough light…?


If it happened right after feeding I’d say your pH was off and/or they want more more more…look hungry to me. And also low on light, but that can be harder to solve depending on your situation.


When you gave them the Cal mag feed answer this set of Q’s;

  1. brand of calmag supplement
  2. Water source (ro, distilled, tap, tap blend, etc)
  3. what was the ec of the feed
  4. how many ml per gallon of cal-mag
  5. only cal-mag or waa there other ferts in with it.
  6. what was previous irrigation? Feed, Water only, etc.
  7. ph of the cal-mag feed in question.

To be honest I haven’t checked the ph. I give it foxfarm cultivation nation cal-mag at 15ml a gal. I also give it foxfarm big bloom, maybe my mistake could’ve been giving them at the same time? And all the water I used is purified

The previous irrigation was just water

I have the main light turned off for more clear-colored photos since it’s a COB and they have leds

Could the yellow lines be a ph issue? And yeah in the pictures I have the overhead main light off to show the color more accurately

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Ph issues can cause nutrient issues. Possibly lockout.


I’ll test the pH and see if that’s what’s up


Cal mag can cause issues when mixed improperly. This can lock out nutrients ect. You should double check the order your adding the nutrients into your water. Silica before cal mag … cal mag before all nutrients… Also that’s alot of cal mag per gal. You should definitely double check that mix ratio seems really high to me although I am not well versed on that manufacturer.


Yeah i think they’re going to start looking worse if you don’t start taking it seriously and pH adjusting your salt based nutes in that medium.

You want to add a calmag supplement at around 100 ppm (140 ppm at 700 scale) typically that’s 2 ml oer gallon of product like gh Cali magic, technaflora mag-i-cal, botanicare cal-mag+.

When growing with hydro nutes, ec is very important, you might get away with being lax with a few waterings not checking anything but once that salt starts building up and that pH starts to drift it starts showing its head around day 30 to 40 really badly.

You’re growing blind without a pH meter and a good EC meter I recommend Hanna for both.