New closet setup & CO

Hello everyone!
I’m new here and would really need some advice on some of my issues. My homemade furniture/growbox runs with a 400W lamp used for growth and flower stage. Haven’t even tried growing in it, just flowering my first plants. The ventilator has rougly 160 cfm of airflow. Some fans are still needed, but overall I think that’s it.

I have a bit of a problem with overheating 30-32 C inside the grow space. Humidity is an issue as well (20-30%). I added some holes in the bottom to create an airflow from beneath. I wanted to raise the whole closet as well since it would create more space for cold air to travel. I am not absolutely sure that will solve all my issues. If anyone has found some cheap solutions, I would be glad to hear them.

I am also curious if growing my plants to be bigger is possible in the last 5 weeks. To maybe get a bit more out of them.

Again I would be really glad to hear your opinions and cheers from Slovenian Alps. :smiley:


That long as run of duct and all the bends is what is killing your airflow. Find a way to shorten your duct run and streamline it. Also, Fans Suck better than they blow (has something to do with the static pressure)

Humidity isn’t really a problem imo, you’ll never have to worry about bud rot lol.

Please give us some details

Size of fan and duct
Size of passive intakes
describe the layout of your ventilation system.

I fought with heat issues in a much larger space with a 400w hps and it boiled down to way too much ducting and bends/turns in my duct work.

You can expect this unit to run slightly above ambient room temperature when everything is dialed in. I might work on AC if the cab is over heating. Does it get cold outside and is your space well insulated and free of drafts. If so, you may need dehumidifier through the winter months.

Welcome @Ribica! Improve your grow area little by little and you will be surprised how the plants improve. There isn’t a lot you can do in the last five weeks to get more yield, except not make any mistakes that reduce your yield.

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you could add an active intake, pulling cold air from outside or another room, or maybe increase the size of your passive intakes. i’m pretty sure i have only 175cfm in a 4’x4’x7’ grow tent and only running it on medium right now.

should use a scrog set up its perfect can grow em taller then squash em down get way more yeilds

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@Ribica you have pretty setup with some more pretty details, you know what i talking about? :smiley :smiley:

One of my favorite detail is that pulley: )


I apologize for the lack of information. I am using a corbon filter and is connected with a 100 mm hose that is actually used in the whole system. The lamp is cooled through a cool tube. Have any of you fellas installed fans on the bottom to suck the air in? and how did that work out? I will make bigger legs for the whole closet so more air can come from beneath.

The only cold air intake is from my window. Luckly it’s winter in Slovenia, so that shouldn’t be an issue.


Very professional and workmanlike!

A+ on build-out!

Cool Air intake fans are a good idea if you really need temp/humidity control. They don’t necessarily need to blast, but constant flow is good.

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Forgot to say, that the chimney from the growbox leads 4 meters on my ceiling to my doors , so the hot air can escape to my hallway. Hopefully I can heat up the house a bit with my growbox. I try to stay green :smiley:


My grow tent passively heats my home until the frost!


Heck yeah!
Recycle some of that energy your using.
North desert winters get chilly but my bedroom cab keeps it pretty toasty and I don’t have to run my furnace as hard.

I’m not sure what you have access to as far as electronics stores and type stuff but the height in that cab would be perfect for cob leds
You could get a lot more light with half the heat.
These guys in Australia ship practically anywhere and have great customer support. This kit would rock that grow cab and then some!

Thanks for the feedback! :smiley:
But I am still curious how you fellas set up your intake ventilation. Maybe I can take your idea and transfer it to my setup.

A lot of growers use passive intake (no fan) and install a fan as high as you can and pull air out of the top of your grow area. (fan can be inside or out) I hope this helps.


i use passive intake like yours. to set up an active intake you could set up a fan anywhere between your box and window so it is pulling cold air from outside and blowing it in to the bottom of your grow box. basically same setup as your exhaust fan but opposite.

is your cooltube only connected on 1 side, so it’s pulling the air from inside the box? you could try running a hose from the other end to the window so it’s pulling cold outside air around the lamp then venting it out, you may not need another fan but 4m is quite a long stretch already for 150cfm.

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Great suggestions!
I will try them out since it kinda makes sence. I will give the passive intake a try first. Then the active one. Either one should work. I’ll give a report what worked out for me, if anyone will have the same issues. But still a lot of testing ahead of me :smiley:


If you go active intake,
All you need to remember is you still want negative pressure if smell is a concern.

Basically, don’t put more air in, than your fan can pull out. :slight_smile:


I would use just stronger air outtake, and stay with passive intake.
500-600m3/h - 300-350cfm would be ideal for your closet in my opinion
also could be good to have some inside ventilators for moving hot air at inside


Not sure, if that isn’t an overkill. I will first do a lot of testing with fan intakes and circulation of air inside. Hopefully that will solve the issue :smiley: