Opinions on super simple ventilation setup

The only fan I’m using is an outtake fan connected to a carbon filter. The sides of the tent suck in when it’s zipped up, just to give u a visual. The temp is always right below 80, the humidity has pretty much stayed around %40 the whole grow. I’ve had some ppl tell me I need an intake fan (which I have, it just seemed to burn the plants) or that I need little fans inside for more circulation, but if the temp and humidity is good, can’t I just keep the fan setup how it is? I’m using LED lights so the ventilation really is just a carbon filter and one outtake fan. I guess I want someone to tell me I’m fine :joy:… but plz, I’ll take advice and suggestions if y’all think I should change it up.


Hey @Sativaindica

Welcome to the forum.

There are all manner of FAQ’s on the forum if you feel like digging.

I would always suggest plenty of moving air. Can you post some pics of your set up? Helpful to see what you are working with.

Don’t worry too much about the tent / negative pressure. If you have some of the extra struts from the tent company, they can sometimes come in handy keeping the plants protected a little.

Humidity is good, temp is a little high. Venting any heat out might be beneficial. Plants like it in the low to mid 70’s.


Venting out any heat with the outtake fan. My temp/humidity gauge is in C, not F, so I’m sure it’s closer to mid 70’s most of the time (if my calculations are correct lol) I think I’ll add a couple small fans inside for more circulation. Someone said something about not enough co2 in the tent, but I’m not ready to grapple with that idea lol.


I think you are pretty close to just fine. I agree with adding a small fan for circulation inside the tent.

How do the plants look? Are they giving you any bad signs? if not, then LITFA!

edit: LITFA = Leave It The Fu$k Alone! :smiley:


Take a pic of the tent “bended/bent”, it will give an idea of how high is your negative pressure.

But yes, an air exchange than is too fast and too direct is a limitation because the used air is only partially renewed/refresh in the tent. Not so “CO²” focused only, it’s a problematic with a bunch of others factors.

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I prefer to have at least one fan that is blowing just above the rootzone (few inches from the ground that are defoliated after 12/12 switch).


I have four fans in my tiny tent :slight_smile:

  1. a 20" box fan thats about 2" below the top of the tent and right above my LED fixture. Its on a speed controller set to a super slow speed. It blows UP and its job is to cool the lights and help with circulation. It runs 24/7.

  2. is a bath fan that sucks air out at the top of the tent and blows it thru a DIY carbon filter into the room. That one is on a temp controller and shuts down if the tent gets too cold = below about 72F.

  3. is a small inline fan that sits in the fresh air intake that runs to a window in the room. That one is on the same temp controller as the above fan, but it turns on when the tent gets to hot = 80 deg F and pulls in cool fresh air. Well, at least it works that way as long as its not in the 90’s outside!.

  4. is another bath fan that also sucks air from the top of the tent and out to another DIY carbon filter, but this one blows it back into the tent under the canopy - just like @LemonadeJoe suggested. This one runs 24/7.

Thats probably over kill for a small tent, but thats ok too :slight_smile:


:thumbsup: @anon32470837

Of course I’ve meant at least one circulation fan besides obligatory exhaust vent.


He definitely needs to get some fresh air into the tent. Just moving stale air around will help a lil but not much, I’m no pro though.

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Ideally a passive intake should be 4 x the size/volume of the outlet. This should give decent circulation and not collapse your tent :thumbsup:


Wow you’ve got a nice automated component to your ventilation setup! I’ve been lucky with very even temps and humidity levels so besides another little fan I plan to get for circulation, I think I’m gonna skip the intake fan still. It seems to keep the tent a lot cleaner. I’d like to get more oxygen to my roots however, so I’m looking into air stones

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Things are looking ok. Going to harvest this weekend actually! I’m going to approach my next grow in a much more organized and scientific manner, i.e. schedules

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