New grower here.. Does she need cal mag?

Hey guys. Lately one plant looks like it’s working hard to bud up but just looks a little light and droopy. My other plant was smaller and didn’t have this issue as much. In saying that, it’s gonna be a nice autoflower if I can get this sorted… I counted like 17 tops on it. Thanks in advance!

Optic 2 Gen 4 light.
Foxfarm happyfrog
R/O ph’d water with U-CANN abundant bloom (2-3 tablespoons a week)
I was using Medi-one but stopped a couple weeks ago


they beez hungry my friend but im assuming you are feeding them
the problem is they cant intake it if the water is too acidic.
you shouldnt ever really need to ph if you are growing in soil

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I think it could be a Sulfur deficiency … hum|nullxnull


Thanks guys. No I actually stopped feeding them because I thought they were getting burned to crap. Im gonna give them some good food and cal mag and see what happens…

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From what I’ve read, If your using LEDs cal/mag is always a good idea. Well, maybe not always in soil, but hydro/coco definitely.


Put 1 tbs of Epsom salts into a gallon of water and use that to mix your next feed or just give it straight. It looks like Sulphur deficiency to me too.


Check your runoff pH, feed normally, and consider switching to tapwater.

They’re hungry and it looks like the pH is off. It’s easy to get low pH with RO water since it has zero alkalinity. If you absolutely must use R/O water, calmag would be a helpful addition.

It is rarely a single nutrient deficiency, usually it’s multiple, and it’s usually caused by underfeeding and or/ pH issues, the “deficiency/deficiencies” are merely the symptoms.