Perhaps She is hungry?

Hello all:

Having an issue I could use some advice on. I noticed this a few days ago and it seems to be getting worse

2 things.

  • I have been light (1/2) on the ferts and I’m now over halfway through flower. Is it possible that they are just hungry? Is it likely that more ferts will correct this issue?

  • I’m seeing bits of what i believe to be calcium issues. Could this just be part of an overall underfeeding?

Any wisdom you have would be appreciated.

Have a lovely day!

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Thinking calcium too
What are you feeding them at the minute ?
What the npk ratio on bottle ?
: )

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I’ve been giving them 12 ml or so every water. On the label it says 25 ml so I’m very light on the nutes.

I’ve been hesitant to overfeed them but now I think I’m in under feeding territory. What do you think?

Edit - this fert also has cal/mag in it.


them numbers are great for this stage : )
@Jetdro has a calculator he can give you , you put in the figures and it tells you the ppm of the feed your feeding them , then that will rule out the under feeding from the conundrum , leaving cal def
: )


Thank you. What’s really got me confused is that there are no signs of NPK deficiency on the lower leaves.

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Yes it’s just showing on new growth indicating a def in an immobile element


If your water is soft then maybe even tho it has calmag init it may not be enough for that strain or pheno
Are they all showing this symptoms ?

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Are you adjusting pH? I would up the feed and adjust the pH to 6.0 (assuming some type of soil mix).


According to city data my water is moderately hard.

The pic I posted is of the worst one but I can see very early signs on all three of them.

I’m leaning towards upping the fert asap and hoping it corrects from there.

And I think I’ll throw in just a dash of calmag.

Hopefully that’ll do it.


I adjust my pH to around 6.2-6.3

It’s soilless pro-mix. I will definitely increase the feed. Would 6.0 be preferable? I could do that too.

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I would say sulphur deficiency, if the plant would be hungry it would start cannibalising the lower leaves … :sunglasses:


Since it’s a soilless mix there won’t be any ph buffers so you’ll have to drop it to a range where cannabis is happy. I aim for around 5.8 - 6.2 in both coco and rdwc. :+1: Anything over or under that range and you’ll lock out important elements and create problems.


This is not entirely true.
I’ve been growing in containers w/soilless medium for decades and I don’t pH anything. I water with tap water that is around 7.5 pH and my plants don’t suffer from pH problems due to the buffering capacities in the medium I use.


I honestly didn’t think a soilless medium would buffer the ph although the only thing near a soilless mix I’ve used is coco.
Reading Using PRO-MIX® in Hydroponics | PT Growers and Consumers soilless does in fact have buffers limestone.
Taken from the linked site -
The optimum soilless medium pH for nutrient uptake is between 5.5 and 6.0


6.2 is close enough to 6.0 IMO.


Thank you all for your help and advice.

I am going to crank up the ferts and see how she goes.

Have a lovely super bowl evening :slight_smile:


I’m not a liquid ferty guy but you mention moderately hard water. Have you ever thoroughly flushed out your containers? My plants would start to show signs of salt buildup around the same time. Good luck.

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Thank you. I don’t really ever do a full flush. I do what I would consider a mini flush. By that I mean every time I water/fert I run a good deal more water than I need. It drains until clear, which I consider acceptable, and then it drains some more :slight_smile:


ProMix contains sufficient calcitic and dolomitic lime for at least one cycle.

If you were not so far along in flowering I would advise foliar feeding your plants
with a full dose of nutrients. It is the quickest way to green 'em up.
But at this stage it’s probably not worth the risk of bud rot.

Good luck.

Sorry @ReikoX I meant to address this to @Foreigner