New grower preparing for 1st grow using octopots

Hello OG peeps!

Brand new here, but have been reading the insane threads/diaries about growing in octopots for the past several days. The community here seems really awesome. Hard to find online these days.

My state finally passed cannabis legalization, with growing and possession being legal as of August 1st. As a long time toker, I couldn’t be more pumped to begin growing!

So I’ve been doing a ton of research… and a little shopping… lol. Stumbled across octopots while researching grow mediums and systems that could a) tolerate me being gone for a day or 2 (musician with a day job; most of my gigs are out of town on the weekend) and b) make watering and feeding as simple as possible for my 1st grow and beyond.

It’s been mind blowing reading through the big octopot threads here!

2 x 6gal Octopots have been ordered! Now I’m trying to figure out what I need for soil and nutes.

I’m wondering if anyone could offer suggestions for a good soil mix and nute package for a 1st grow using octopots?

From the looks of these threads, I should prepare to be overwhelmed… lol

Any guidance to hit the grow running on aug 1st would be greatly appreciated!



I may have answered my own question about soil mix. Found posts saying to use promix hp.

I see 2 flavors offered, I am guessing the promix hp mycorrhizae is the one i should get? have seen that supplement come up a lot while going down the giant cannabis growing rabbit hole… :laughing:

do i still need to add/mix perlite to promix hp?

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Nice, thanks for the link!

The new octopots havent been delivered yet. Purchase confirmation was emailed at 4:20p today… lol

good sign I hope? :slight_smile:

i didnt even think to look up the actual manual. What ive seen on their site so far was to do 60% of a ‘soilless media’, and 40% perlite. which seemed a little ambiguous.

Im pretty new to horticulture outside of basic potting soil + water everyday for easy perennials. :man_facepalming:

Any preference between sunshine mix or coco loco?


interchange sunshine mix #4 with promix HP, and go for whats local, same goes for coco.

And comparison wise autopots they recommend a 50:50 mix with octopots being a 40:60 and with my more recent trials with wick systems that seems like a good happy ground where the media wont become over saturated.


They suck , prepare to be disappointed .
You couldn’t give me one of those things



this was the best the search engine could do.

meet @Mr.Sparkle , our dear Librarian :joy:



Here’s a side by side comparison: The Setup

And the Results:

Micro Octopot Grow - #391 by GrouchyOldMan


I use the Promix HP in my Octos and don’t add any extra perlite. Not needed in my opinion.


Welcome aboard @LowenderMN
promix hp is great

I use promix bx it’s a bit cheaper I do add perlite to it only 25 %

There the easiest way to grow set and forget type system

And don’t listen to @Jetdro he wouldn’t grow any other way now would you :joy: no, don’t mind us lol :joy:

You’ll find by using Octopot you’re automatically become a better grower. Figure out what fertilizer you’re going to use.

Most of us uses jacks of some sort

If we can help just ask


Depends on the style of grow your going for, are u doing soilless with liquid nutes or want to go organic soils

Here’s my soil building thread to make your own on the cheap, doesn’t have to be bulk, small batches are just as cost effective and makes a great medium I still run years later recycling it


Thanks all for the warm welcome and advice! Much appreciated!

Sorry I went dark there. Getting some gigs in and have finally pieced together all the hardware for my 1st tent. Pretty stoked. So now I’m ready to focus on figuring out my medium and nutes.

I’ll try to find the thread I was reading before I joined that talked about nute schedules and ratios. Was super interesting. I’ll be sure to start a grow diary thread as soon as I can light things up in MN!

Thx again!


Would love to hear if youve started your grow yet!

Im on day 4 of flower on my first Octo-grow. One plant in 2x4. Amazing.
Im using Fox Farms Coco-Loco. Worked great, and didnt need nutes at all.
Around day 30, I fed Athena Blended. She did fine at half strength, and LOVED full strength 1050ppm.

Another 30 days later and shes in flower and seems to love the Athena Blended Bloom at full strength as well. Very easy to mix and will likely go to Athena Pro line next to save some money.

Just searched your name and found your grow!


Welcome! Good luck. Any updates?