Possibly Potassium deficiency due to lockout?

Hey y’all, so I’ve been having issues with this strain called HODAS by a geneticist that goes by Mr.G. I use Advanced Nutrient’s Connoisseur line. I’m aware there’s a lot of hate towards AN, but I’m a newb and didn’t know too much when I bought them. I had been feeding them 5 ml/g of their veg a and b solutions, but increased it to 8 having seen good results from the 5 ml/g. That’s when things got a little wonky, as seen by the picture in the link.

Sadly, I didn’t measure runoff for her after the increased 8 ml/g feeding. However, the next time I watered her, I did. I brought down the veg a and b solution to 6ml/g, and the runoff pH was at 5.7, with a PPM at 1,200. She responded real well to that feeding, which was done 4 days ago. Her leaves bounced back and looked as if they were praying.

Today however, I noticed what seems to be a potassium deficiency on two leaves as seen in the following picture.

I’m believing the deficiency is occurring because of nutrient lockout due to the low pH and high PPM. I’m considering feeding the plant regular 6.5 pH water without any Advanced Nutrient addons just to try to get her runoff pH back up, and reduce the PPM as well. Any thoughts or suggestions? Thanks.

EDIT: My grow medium is Fox Farms Happy Frog soil in a 5 gallon container.


I’m not good on hydro feeding but the clawing leaves look like too much nitrogen. You could probably back off a good bit on that. You might get it back in balance okay. You could even use half of the amount of nutrients to begin with so problems aren’t as extreme. You’ll get it. Peace


Here’s my opinion before I call it a night …
Some Happy frog soils r known to be high in nutrients …
If the plant is happy with what you are giving it to begin with don’t increase the feed …she will let you know when it’s time
Ppm .ph tds ecm ups :sweat_smile: soil is hard to get accurate results IMO literally taking the fun out of a home grow …you can grow good quality cannabis without worrying about the less important things find something that works and stick to it with improvisions here and there… looks to me nitrogen toxicity with the dark green blue hued leafs…



You’re mixing the soil up with Ocean Forest. It’ll burn young plants. Happy Frog is neutral or very little ferts and is recommended for seedlings. But, yeah, gotta keep up with total nutrients, no matter where they come from.


Did you add any lime to your soil? Would help with ph lock out,


You increased the dosage and got problems. Go back to the lower dosage, and I’d skip a feeding or until they start to look better.
Learning when to leave well enough alone is one of the things that will help. You said it was doing great so you went for greater and got in trouble.
The leaf damage could be from the nute burn, I would just try to keep consistent and conservative and patient. Don’t go changing things up left and right.


Bloom feed give her some k and the bloom feed will also reduce the n
If no bloom feed give her pk supliment only
She has been fed grow high n plus high n in soil and has ran out of k


My opinion and what I would do. that plant is burning, I would wash the substrate well with a nutrient solution of no more than 1.2EC, I would also move it away from the light a little, and I would prepare for foliar spray a nutrient solutions with formulex, rizotonic, calmg, fulvic. 1.2ec. For spray…the roots are blocked and it is good to feed by the leaves.

G-man is correct. I don’t care for ocean forest anymore. Happy frog for me.

What is your RH? Your leaves look a little crispy. If you believe you’re having lock out water is your best friend. 6.0-6.5. I would get it down to around six if it was me. Sometimes a little lower…
I use the same nutrients also. PH perfect. You can get locked out if you don’t mix it right. Every couple of feeds you need to give them water also. Sometimes when your leaves burn up on the ends like that it could be a calcium or magnesium deficiency. If your pH is below six you should be taking up everything. Fox farm makes a good flush. Bush doctor I believe is the name of it it works pretty good. I do that every couple of weeks. Flawless finish this what you need when you finish your grow. Water does the same thing.

With pH perfect you shouldn’t have to do a lot. 4 mL of both A and B. I really load mine up. You do not want hot water or warm water. Your water needs to be kinda of cool. I would have water ready a day ahead of time. It might get a little cooler. Makes a little extra is not gonna hurt anything. So if you do 5 gallons you should be OK. Even if your pH drops down. It recommends RO water. I do part A first. An air pump with a stone is nice. I recommend when mixing. The man is getting ready to post right now I is the one to talk to. Lol


Upon this pic you posted I would agree with N toxicity:

What is your tap water pH? I’m also using AN pH perfect and never correct it, my tap water is 7.4, if yours is in a reasonable range you shouldn’t try to change it, it’s like chasing shadows, I was doing that and failing until Colanoscopy told me to throw away the pH pen …

I also agree with the excess of nutrients, you can use AN Flawless Finish as suggested, just pHed water or significantly lower your nutes while feeding as it’s been wisely said. That Potassium deficiency might come from a lockout, as it is always common in nutes and soil and available in a wide pH range …

You’ve received lots of good advice, you may have now an idea of the right things to do, keep us posted with your progress … beer3|nullxnull


I don’t think you have a K problem, looks more like N tox and nute burn to me. As others have advised I would flush and litfa for s bit then go back to the amounts you used prior to the problem starting and gradually increase from there as it needs it.

Nutrients will get into the plants system pretty quickly, so when she starts to lighten up her leaf colour, increase your nutes a bit and see how she does.

You have to look at what the plant is doing with its leaves.

Its intentionally closing its leaves length and width, because its leaves are so dark, its absorbing to much light and heat.

It could cool down by increasing expiration but that would mean uptaking more water and nutrients. It knows it has too much N already, so its next best strategy is to reduce the size of its solar panels/leaves as much as possible, in width and length, so it can slow its expiration and further nutrient uptake causing the nutrient burn that is now being seen, from when the nutes were to high.

I usually see plant damage around 10 to 14 days after I fucked something up. It takes time for the plant to express its problems in a way you can see.


I’m always amazed about how you can interpret what the plant tries to tell us, hope to see you more frequently in this section, much to learn from the real masters … beer3|nullxnull


What a damn diagnosis doc.Wow.Thabk you


Funny I used for years with no problem…and most soils come with it standard. So yea just love trolls like yourself coming in and showing your ignorance

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So what’s up here bud?


Just another troll, same old bs

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Not another, always the same … frech|nullxnull


Howdy y’all, thank you so much for the advise. My water pH is at 7.4 as well, I use a milwuakee mw102 pH pen, but I haven’t calibrated it since I got it a few months back. I’ll check it’s calibration to make sure it’s still valid.

Hemp, I usually do a flush after every third feed, with 6.5 pH water. By flush I don’t mean drenching the soil and letting heaps of water flow through it though, I only water till about 10% of what I fed it drains out.

I used to use Ocean Forest but like y’all have said, it’s way too hot. I got a great deal on Amazon for happy frog, 3 2-cubic ft. bags for $60, so I’ve been sticking with it. I just found this community but had posted about possibly changing soil in another forum.

The general consensus was that the plant was experiencing toxicity, so I flushed it out with 6.5 pH water yesterday and she seems to have bounced back! I’m going to feed her 5 mL of the AN veg duo and go from there.

I made the mistake of growing 2 different strains. My Tropolope x Romulan plants from AK Bean Brains are happily enjoying 8 mL of AN a&b, so I assumed the HODAS could handle it too.

It’s awesome to have received so many responses. I appreciate y’alls time, here’s a pic of the plant today.