New grower seeking any advice.

hey how’s everyone doing. My buddy and I are doing our first grow. We have a gorilla grow 5x5, kind k5 750w all 6 plants are in 5 gal. pots. Have them running 18/6 just switched from seedling to veg. Microbial tea 1 per week. Regular ph water the rest of the week. Any.thing else I should add. Humidtiy is about 50% running 80 degrees during light on and 60 light off ! Using all green gro products. 20200912_162242|666x500


Welcome to OG @Frostycolas! Keep them green.


Hi Frostycolas, here you can find a tutorial on how to upload your beauties:

If you can make the pics with natural lights we can see them better than with the burple ones:

Why did you put them directly in 5 gal, are they autos? What strains? Cheers and welcome … beer3|nullxnull


Ok what would you like to know? Some things can be ANSWERED and some can not and when the issues arise. Best of luck to you guys! Remember K.I.S.S. = Keep It Simple STUPID! It’s gonna be very time consuming as is and already gonna have a shit ton of issues/problems, etc… So the more simplistic you guys can make it then PLEASE DO!! I can tell you to go 110% organic!! A lot more forgiving and you will over feed, over water and fuck with them 50Xs a day. Anything you need just ask!! Anything!


You should try to keep the temp between lights on and off within 10 degrees F if possible. It will help reducing the chances of Powdery Mildew starting.

Do you have oscillating fans in the tent as well?


Yes I have 2 oscillating fans in the tents. Green gro is an organic company. I only want organics. I try to get it down to 60 at night if I can. Using the microbial tea out of green gro’s catalog. Water with the tea once a week. Then PhD water every other. Just dropped the light from 48" to 24". Forgot to do that when switching from seedling to veg. What do you guys recommend for an organic pesticides. I know a healthy plant won’t need them but want to be ready or at least preventive maintenance

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I started in peat moss in seedlings then after a good root system switch to the 5 gal. I didn’t want to have to tranplant as much. I’ll be over at the tent later tomorrow with new pics. That was 3 days ago. The strain is moby dick. Its feminized seeds plan on doing low stress


This is from today


They look great, you may water them in circle somewhar away from the stem so the roots expand horizontally looking for humidity,. Do it according to the plant size, not the pot one … :sunglasses:

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Thanks George they get a full solo cup every other day try my best to spread the water evenly. Then give the top soil a good mist to help with humidity