Are my plants growth stunted

So I am reaching the start of week 3 in a couple days (19 days in today) and can’t help but notice my plants seem a bit small compared to others I see at this time, wondering if they look that way to any experienced autoflower growers.


Seems a bit small. Maybe 69 might be a bit cold? What are temps during dark? And what size pot did you plant in? Medium? Nutes?


They’re in 5 gallon pots. And I try my best to keep the temp up at 75 but at night the wife likes to pump the AC. Using coco coir that I amended myself with down to earth 444, worm castings, perlite. PH the water to 6.5 every watering. I’m thinking I could’ve also not added enough perlite, the temperature was definitely the first thing that came to mind on the causality of a possible stunt in growth.


They look healthy other than size. Is the 19 days from putting them to germinate or from breaking soil?

And what lights are they under? Need good food to grow no matter what living thing were talking about, nutes and light here.

Im not really sure but maybe these questions and answers will help someone else give you a better idea.

Soil looks a bit over watered, I just stunted one of mine doing that lol


Good point. In a 5 gallon pot with a seedling gonna be a long time till they manage to suck all the initial moisture up even without additional waterings.

I had saturated 5 gallon autos outside because of rain storms. Took em inside and was almost 2 weeks before I really had to water em.


19 from the day I put them in the dirt as seeds. They’re under the spider farmer SF 2000 at about 30-34 inches away from top of the plants.

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Can you get a fan to lightly blow across the soil to help it dry quicker? I’m assuming you’ve saturated the whole 5 gal pot?

I didn’t saturate the entire pot no, when I put the seeds in a did like about a shot glass worth, but by now I’m sure it’s saturated. The top Soil gets dry quickly with two fans blowing at soil level but I’ve never actually checked to see if underneath was still moist. When I go to turn the lights back on tonight The too will be dry I’m sure and I’ll peak a bit beneath it to get an idea of how saturated everything is.

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Like… the plant looks healthy, some do take some time to spread roots before taking off, she nay just be slow

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I think @Grease_Monkey is right, your soil is too wet and they’re rootbound (from moisture), let them dry out a bit.


Definitely. I’ll let them sit for a few days and check the soil again.

You don’t have any little bugs flying around do you? Could be fungas gnats slowing it down too, larvae eat the little hair like roots

I am using 2- spider farmer SF 1000 in a 2 X 4 and keep it at about 12". Not sure what Ideal is but I just had one grow into the light and it didn’t burn until it touched the light doing a growth spurt overnight.

:green_heart: :seedling:


Nada, I was really careful about keeping that issue far away. Had I seen any I’d of dealt with them via nematodes

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What do you set the power to? Glad to hear someone using the same setup so I can make some changes. The distance of the lights I haven’t really played with at all.

One isn’t dimmable with out taking the driver off so at 100%. Right now they are both 100% but I started at 50% when seedling than slowly turned up based on holding hand at the top of plant and there sturdiness.

:green_heart: :seedling:

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Right on, I’ll try dropping the light for tomorrow and slowly start to turn it up to 100% I’ve been keeping it at 70% from fear I’d fry em

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I prefer to keep em in a solo cup a little longer. a 5G pot is tricky to keep just the right moisture with seedlings at times, and you can over / under water em easily. I wait till I see some roots peeking out of the bottom, and a few sets of leaves. Temp might be a bit chilly too, but not terribly so…


I agree with @Nagel420 using too big a pot for a seedling will give you watering problems that are easier to manage in a solo cup.

That said I’d bump your temps up a bit and add a bit more air circulation to dry out the soil a bit. They look healthy over all tho…Good luck!

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