New to Octopots and Growing.

She may still turn around

Some plants are slow to start

Good luck

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Fat Bastard Auto flower
Using jacks 12/4/16 pinch of Epsom salt
RO water
EC .6 - .8 | PH range 5.8 - 6.2
600 watts LED
5 plants are drinking about 3 gallons a day.

Think about using jacks Bloom for a week. They seem happy so, I’m reluctant.

Need a taller tent. Ill have to acquire topping and canopy forming skills. LOL
I took a picture of the reservoir setup. 13.5 gallon. I did think about getting Flexi 26g.


8 weeks tomorrow. These are auto’s i thought they weren’t supposed to get this big. no more for light to go up.


Lookin great : )

Getting huge in there lol

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7 weeks old on Thursday not 8. Hard to believe the main stalks are as big as my thumb and I have fairly large hands.

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Thanks @Ifish I ordered a taller tent and one that has access to both sides. There is no room in there for a 300# er with knee replacements.


Octopots are amazing. Week 7


Here is week 8.
lights @760 w | EC 700 - 900 | PH ranging 6.2 - 6.4 @ the octopot.
Still Using only jacks 12/4/16 pinch of Epsom salt | RO water.
Using about 10g every 2 to 2.5 days.
Upgrading to a 26 gallon vs (13g now) reservoir next grow since using only Jack RO blend & Epsom
Not sure why the 3 on the left side and 2 on the right side seem different. They are the same seeds. No complaints. Thanks for the advice @organicallychalenged That will be a good start useful on my next grow.


Differences In plants from the same seeds is pretty normal. Until you get to IBLs you will see different genes showing through from the crosses. I didn’t see what you were growing but alot of these seed producers aren’t doing a whole lot of stabilization before putting their "brand " on the market.

I bought these from Blimburn. Fat bastard strain Auto. Cross, Goldmember & Monkey Spunk

Looks great Octopots as you see really make a difference

The more you use them the easier it gets



Absolutely stunning!

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I’m very happy with the Octopot experience. They make growing a bit easier and very rewarding. I’ll do LST training, defoliate and other canopy control on the next. This time around I could not get myself to do it, they are just to beautiful. I see this as fulltime retirement gardening in the near future. Anyone growing CBD producers?
The amount of information available on this forum is invaluable. Thanks everyone.


Octo Trees. Looking better every day.


Hello Octopot Fan! I was reading the posts on this thread and have a question for you?

How long did it take for the seeds to get started? I mean how long until they hit the reservoir and started to really grow?

Thank you

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All germinated in less than 24 hours. In Organi plugs about 7 days then moved to Octo’s. They grew so fast, wasn’t sure what to do and when. LOL. PH 5.9 - 6.3 range in reservoir.
Before transplanting to Octo’s mixed up 1/2 gallon of jack’s clone and slowly poured in the hole for the plug. leaving a little for the plug. look above at week 4. They were taking off nicely.
I started thinking of using Loutus nut’s. Last min went with Jack’s because of so much good feedback and it looked simple to use.
Jack’s RO water mix 12/4/16 with epsom salt. This is all that was used. Until now, started 7/15/30 Finish 2 days ago until deciding to flush. Definitely easy.
Fill indicator hasn’t been much over 2 lines and started out way less than 1 almost dry. you don’t want to the water wicking into the bag much until roots actually hit res than 1 line until there are more white roots than 2 plus lines. Haven’t went to 3 lines and doing well.
Will do next grow with grooming the forest in mind. Glad to have a Sawzall when its time.
Wonder if using sungro #4 with silicone {think they call it Resilience} had anything to do with giant the stocks!

Day 64


Thank you very much!! Whatever you are doing it is most definitely working!!!

Ever tried Autos?

I’m fascinated by the Octopot.


Bought seeds from blimburn. These are Fat Bastard Auto’s. I didn’t think auto’s could grow like this. The octopots proved they can. :smiley:


Ohhh so you have done a run with autos and the Octopots? Thats very cool!

Run into any issues? PH or other wise?

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PH is easy to manage. Feed from a reservoir and mix 10 to 12 gallons at a time. I watch the PH in the individual plant reservoir’s and adjust the feed accordingly. Since mid/late veg the individual reservoirs, PH was creeping up. I starting to lower feed PH in the feed water which ranges naturally 5.3 - 5.5. after nut mix. That strategy the plant res’s range 6.2 - 6.5.
Only other issue was not practicing LST, defoliation and other canopy growth management technics. I will on the next grow. Next up Blackberry Moonrocks Auto’s.

Take Care